No dumb questions in this topic.
And not simple, even when you've done it.
As mentioned elsewhere, TuneECU is just part of it. You also need the LonElec cable in order for TuneECU to talk to your bike (the bike's ECU).
ECU fuel mapping is complex and not for the faint of heart. There are only a handful of folks intrepid enough to do it, and even fewer willing to share.
Please remember, this is equivalent to a set of athletes discussing improving performance by open heart surgery. Sure, anyone can handle a scalpel, and a few might even be able to handle the anesthesia - but to actually help and not kill in the process would be a tall order.
Similarly, on this site, only one person currently wears the mantle of "knows enough, cares enough, communicates well enough, and has the necessary positive outlook on life, has the necessary patience, to tinker with the ECU fuel air mapping and get it just about right most of the time" - he goes by HansO - and is currently on the mend from a bad spill recently, because, life happens.
So, suggest you purchase the LonElec cable, and confirm you have connectivity between your laptop and the ECU, and get familiar with it.
Then come back here, and I suggest you follow the advice from post 466 -- the one just above yours. Be prepared to discuss what are your goals, and folks will be more than happy to help you with this brave new world.