Listen folks, I know Paul Bryant to be a very straight up and squared away individual who just also happens to be quite expert in designing and constructing custom exhausts for classic and/or current Brit bikes for well over thirty years.

Rocket4me is a relative newbie both here and to the world of beastly British bikes who is simply attempting to gather the best info available in order to make an educated, informed decision regarding performance (objective) and cosmetic (subjective) upgrades to his new baby.

1olbull is a well-intended, occasionally(ahem) heavy-handed, but respected member of this board that simply misinterpreted some data that all three people are attempting to communicate about across continents, time zones, cultures, etc., interspersing both objective and subjective information.

Somehow the wires got crossed and we have a three-way cluster fock on our hands mish-mashing data, ill feelings and bruised egos.

Paul can and surely will, if he hasn't already take a deep breath and re-approach the conversation, as he's already attempting to due, so that we can get this back on track as a productive info exchange and good conversation for all concerned.

Rocket4me, for crissake, stop contributing to the melee' by participating on your PC rather than squinting at or struggling with your g-dammed smart phone! Steve, 1olbull is in your own time zone, warp is in another, I'm in yet another and Paul is halfway around the frikkin' globe, so we can all wait until you can actually see what you're reading or typing on your PC.

In the immortal words of Rodney King; "Can't we all just get along?"
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Listen folks, I know Paul Bryant to be a very straight up and squared away individual who just also happens to be quite expert in designing and constructing custom exhausts for classic and/or current Brit bikes for well over thirty years.

Rocket4me is a relative newbie both here and to the world of beastly British bikes who is simply attempting to gather the best info available in order to make an educated, informed decision regarding performance (objective) and cosmetic (subjective) upgrades to his new baby.

1olbull is a well-intended, occasionally(ahem) heavy-handed, but respected member of this board that simply misinterpreted some data that all three people are attempting to communicate about across continents, time zones, cultures, etc., interspersing both objective and subjective information.

Somehow the wires got crossed and we have a three-way cluster fock on our hands mish-mashing data, feelings and egos.

Paul can and surely will, if he hasn't already take a deep breath and re-approach the conversation, as he's already attempting to due, so that we can get this back on track as a productive info exchangs and conversation for all concerned.

Rocket4me, for crissake, stop contributing to the melee' by participating on your PC rather than squinting at or struggling with your g-dammed smart phone! Steve, 1olbull is in your own time zone, warp is in another, I'm in yet another and Paul is halfway around the frikkin' globe, so we can all wait until you can actually see what you're reading or typing on your PC.

Thank you Phil.
OldBull, I was never intending to criticise you, I am sorry that the term "****ting you" offended you, this was not my intent.
Steve, you have the information you need now, so now you can choose, with knowledge which way to go.
I for one will answer any questions you or anyone else has, whether that ends in a Sale for me or not.
Now that I have went out to the bike, the outlet from the head looks to be 1.75 inch and 2.25 at the collector.
I read 2.25 outlet ceramic coated - to me that meant from the header. I apparently have misinterpreted that.
I also read 2.25 stainless at the muffler. That is correct.

You are a newby to this forum and its unknown to me why you choose to come off as such an arrogant rude douche cannon!
Sadly, you are the first dickhead Aussie I have met here in three and a half years and 8,500+ posts compared to your 26.
I would appreciate it if you NEVER accuse me of purposely leading someone astray or $hitting them!

Hey Bull,you sure have got a big mouth, how many times were you asked WHAT SIZE IS THE HEADER PIPE ?
It's real simple Bud, just be honest then no Crap happens.
You need to get up with the play and understand what the different parts are called.
Let me explain for you.
HEADER PIPE; The piece of tube that comes away from the HEAD, that really should be pretty self explanatory.
Collector; The piece that "COLLECTS" the HEADER pipes together.
TAIL PIPE; The "tail" end of the complete system.

Then we have the Muffler, or Silencer as it is called in different parts of the world.

So now little Bull, you have a full glossary of the components of the exhaust SYSTEM, you can now see what a *****you were making of yourself saying that the header was 2¼".

Two other things, get your act together, I'm in NEW ZEALAND, not Australia.

2nd thing, thanks for the information about the header diameter, that's what I was wanting to know :) that we have exchanged insults and established turf boundaries and pieces of the pipe fully defined, can we get on with my original questions.

1. Do you still want to build and sell a pipe?
2. Seems like Bull's header pipe is in fact larger at 1 3/4" than yours at 1/5/8". Correct?
3. Is your pipe 1 5/8 through the collector tube area? Or does it match the CES at 2 1/4?
4. What is the size of your tail pipe?
5. Have you looked at the two pipes side-by-side? If so can you see what I mean about the size of pipe looking larger on the CES?
6. Have you had your pipe on any Dyno? What are the numbers? Have you seen the CES numbers?
7. Have you built are does your pipe need heat shields?
Listen folks, I know Paul Bryant to be a very straight up and squared away individual who just also happens to be quite expert in designing and constructing custom exhausts for classic and/or current Brit bikes for well over thirty years.

Rocket4me is a relative newbie both here and to the world of beastly British bikes who is simply attempting to gather the best info available in order to make an educated, informed decision regarding performance (objective) and cosmetic (subjective) upgrades to his new baby.

1olbull is a well-intended, occasionally(ahem) heavy-handed, but respected member of this board that simply misinterpreted some data that all three people are attempting to communicate about across continents, time zones, cultures, etc., interspersing both objective and subjective information.

Somehow the wires got crossed and we have a three-way cluster fock on our hands mish-mashing data, ill feelings and bruised egos.

Paul can and surely will, if he hasn't already take a deep breath and re-approach the conversation, as he's already attempting to due, so that we can get this back on track as a productive info exchange and good conversation for all concerned.

Rocket4me, for crissake, stop contributing to the melee' by participating on your PC rather than squinting at or struggling with your g-dammed smart phone! Steve, 1olbull is in your own time zone, warp is in another, I'm in yet another and Paul is halfway around the frikkin' globe, so we can all wait until you can actually see what you're reading or typing on your PC.

In the immortal words of Rodney King; "Can't we all just get along?"
Thank you Phil.
OldBull, I was never intending to criticise you, I am sorry that the term "****ting you" offended you, this was not my intent.
Steve, you have the information you need now, so now you can choose, with knowledge which way to go.
I for one will answer any questions you or anyone else has, whether that ends in a Sale for me or not.
Thank you Phil.
OldBull, I was never intending to criticise you, I am sorry that the term "****ting you" offended you, this was not my intent.
Steve, you have the information you need now, so now you can choose, with knowledge which way to go.
I for one will answer any questions you or anyone else has, whether that ends in a Sale for me or not.
Listen folks, I know Paul Bryant to be a very straight up and squared away individual who just also happens to be quite expert in designing and constructing custom exhausts for classic and/or current Brit bikes for well over thirty years.

Rocket4me is a relative newbie both here and to the world of beastly British bikes who is simply attempting to gather the best info available in order to make an educated, informed decision regarding performance (objective) and cosmetic (subjective) upgrades to his new baby.

1olbull is a well-intended, occasionally(ahem) heavy-handed, but respected member of this board that simply misinterpreted some data that all three people are attempting to communicate about across continents, time zones, cultures, etc., interspersing both objective and subjective information.

Somehow the wires got crossed and we have a three-way cluster fock on our hands mish-mashing data, ill feelings and bruised egos.

Paul can and surely will, if he hasn't already take a deep breath and re-approach the conversation, as he's already attempting to due, so that we can get this back on track as a productive info exchange and good conversation for all concerned.

Rocket4me, for crissake, stop contributing to the melee' by participating on your PC rather than squinting at or struggling with your g-dammed smart phone! Steve, 1olbull is in your own time zone, warp is in another, I'm in yet another and Paul is halfway around the frikkin' globe, so we can all wait until you can actually see what you're reading or typing on your PC.

In the immortal words of Rodney King; "Can't we all just get along?"

I am done. Newbie or not, phone use or PC use....this has turned into a joke. All I wanted was answers to some simple questions. I am going to ride and forget this site for a good long time.

So long.
Listen folks, I know Paul Bryant to be a very straight up and squared away individual who just also happens to be quite expert in designing and constructing custom exhausts for classic and/or current Brit bikes for well over thirty years.
Rocket4me is a relative newbie both here and to the world of beastly British bikes who is simply attempting to gather the best info available in order to make an educated, informed decision regarding performance (objective) and cosmetic (subjective) upgrades to his new baby.
1olbull is a well-intended, occasionally(ahem) heavy-handed, but respected member of this board that simply misinterpreted some data that all three people are attempting to communicate about across continents, time zones, cultures, etc., interspersing both objective and subjective information.
Somehow the wires got crossed and we have a three-way cluster fock on our hands mish-mashing data, ill feelings and bruised egos.
Paul can and surely will, if he hasn't already take a deep breath and re-approach the conversation, as he's already attempting to due, so that we can get this back on track as a productive info exchange and good conversation for all concerned.
Rocket4me, for crissake, stop contributing to the melee' by participating on your PC rather than squinting at or struggling with your g-dammed smart phone! Steve, 1olbull is in your own time zone, warp is in another, I'm in yet another and Paul is halfway around the frikkin' globe, so we can all wait until you can actually see what you're reading or typing on your PC.
In the immortal words of Rodney King; "Can't we all just get along?"

Appreciate your efforts, Phil, but I only get "heavy handed" when attacked or falsly accused of miscreant behavior.
I admitted my error and explained how it happened (posts 352 & 353).
I hardly think @Paul Bryant comments in his posts 341, 345 & 356 were helpful to the OP or anything other than pedantic to me.
I wouldn't buy ANYTHING from him!
The good thing is learning he's not from OZ, I can now take back my "first bad Aussie I've met" comment.
Case now closed for me. My apologies if I disrupted any one other than your friend.
You are a man of action for better or worse, Steve and you hold your feelings or opinions very strongly, but usually with no harm/no foul. Paul is really a top notch guy, so I wouldn't dismiss him out of hand - maybe he was just having a bad hair day. I'll withhold comment about our new friend, R4me for now so as not to exacerbate matters any further.

This whole thing was sorta' a slow motion train wreck which was fed by more than two engines sharing a common track going different directions, so I tried and failed to rerail the trains.

Oh well!:banghead:
You are a man of action for better or worse, Steve and you hold your feelings or opinions very strongly, but usually with no harm/no foul. Paul is really a top notch guy, so I wouldn't dismiss him out of hand - maybe he was just having a bad hair day. I'll withhold comment about our new friend, R4me for now so as not to exacerbate matters any further.
This whole thing was sorta' a slow motion train wreck which was fed by more than two engines sharing a common track going different directions, so I tried and failed to rerail the trains.
Oh well!:banghead:

You are ON POINT and I fully understand what you are stating.
Once again, gratitude for your efforts.
It would be remiss on my part to not mention my small part in the disagreement, my post to Paul regarding his patience in responding to the exhaust ping pong match was in retrospect a little unintentionally condescending sometimes Aussie humour is misconstrued as an insult or a bit condescending, We often greet each other with remarks that would offend if taken the wrong way like our nick names ,Ugly, Rough Nut, Shagger, are all mates of mine ,mine was for years Gunna(Gunner) not from my Service but from always Gunna do something or other, no offense was intended :unsure::cautious:
