I installed power-tripps tune on my 08 R3T and can definitely feel the power difference. My gas mileage went down a bit. Around town low 30s; highway high 30s. Before I could reach nearly 40s
Using fuel without ethanol, however, I can come close to 40mpg at the higher expense of fuel.
How smoothly you ride and how conservatively you twist the throttle probably has a huge role in this as well. I haven't even measured my fuel consumption... I figured it was the price of riding 2.3 liters worth of engine. Need to download an app and start tracking the fuel purchases I guess.
I don't worry about MPG either. Now if gas was like 5 dollars a gallon I might start worrying. lol
A friend of mine that I ride with has a Harley and he has to fill up way before I do and my engine is bigger than his ..... so is my gas tank.
You guys are spoiled rotten with fuel prices over there. I had to do some calculating since we pay per liter over here, but at 1.6 euros per liter I'm looking at around $8 per gallon after doing the currency conversion. So fuel cost is definitely an issue...
Still, the bike is an interest and a hobby. But once I can get an electric car for survivable money I'll probably get one to commute with.
Kind of a gray area, by law, I think, they have to prove it had to do with the change, but real world, if they wanted to stiff you, could you really afford/want to hire a lawyer to sue them?
Has anyone after all this time ever reported some really negative consequences of this tune? Other than an even more debilitating pain in the jaw from smiling too widely?
I don't worry about fuel , whats a couple of dollars a tank , but i have noticed that i get less mpg than i did , but i've also noticed more power in the lower gears , On long journeys sat on 110 klm i still get high 30's , overall though i'm probably down 30klm a tank , not enough to worry about, although to be honest , the extra power to me does'nt matter the r3t had all the power i could handle anyway .
Why did i change , dunno , cos i could i suppose .
Put this map in last night. Bike is stock so I thought this would be a good place to start before I go shopping.
Not been very far on it yet, but the power response seems smoother. Haven't had the chance to open it up yet, I'll go the long way home tonight and find me some clear desert roads to play on.
Yeh, the bike has its own shop towel - shoot me now