R3R Vibration Problem

I might try taking out some of the free travel in the clutch cable but definitely leaving some free travel.it seems the popular opinion is the vibration is the lifter vibrating around in the clutch.
I would prefer to live with the condition rather than risk issues later.
I am no expert, but I do know that on my Rocket I started to experience a buzz that I simply could not pinpoint. The mechanic here told me not to worry. I then had the valve cover gasket replaced, a viola!, the buzz was gone. That mechanic noted that the valve cover bolts were not properly torqued. So, evidence in my case suggests the valve cover was slowly vibrating itself loose. May be worth a check. A simple torque check wouldn't hurt.
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Hey whats up. Do not know if you remeber me or not. Got kicked of site for my response to a guy that was down grading Blue Collar workers. Have been on this site every since then. The level of knowledge and general Rocket info is much better here. So are the People. Hows the bike? Made a few improvements on mine. Headlights, backrest and luggage rack, ramair, and waiting on a complete exhaust system from Paul (Viking Exhaust) 27,000 miles latter and still a happy camper.
Hows the bike?

I am actually researching a problem at the moment, that's what brought me back here. The X is shifting into neutral from first and second if I am on the throttle hard. It seems the detent spring or shift fork are the culprit. The detent spring is by far the cheaper to fix (I am out of warranty) so I am trying to find others who have addressed similar problems to be sure I am fixing the right thing. I am in the process of doing a cost/benefit analysis of doing it myself, which would require the purchase of special tools I do not yet have, or letting the shop fix it. Other than this issue, I love my Rocket! It is worth fixing, no doubt. I have never connected with a motorcycle they way I connect with this X.

I stopped in this thread because I thought I recognized the OP's issue. Not sure it is the same but thought I would add my two cents. That **** buzz had driven me crazy!

I moderate the Welcome Center on the other site, so I tend to stay out of the drama in the forums. They do try to keep it very clean in there, which is okay by me, but I do think they may go a bit overboard at times. I tried to frequent the Speed Triple forum but they pride themselves on insulting each other. I am a little old for that.

BTW, I installed the Dave Platt Outlaws and RAM Air on mine and it is an aggressive beast now! This is what the Rocket SHOULD sound like! Let me know how the Vikings go for you, Paul seems to be a true artisan and an upstanding man.

There are a lot of threads on here with really good info on that problem. Warp nine is very helpful and knows his #hit about Rockets. He can give you some good advice.