R3R Vibration Problem

Stop stalking Moto...unless it's true love...it's not stalking if it's love..
Stop stalking Moto...unless it's true love...it's not stalking if it's love..
I ain't staking you either gorgeous, but your flag tells me your in Good ol' Oz at the moment too. Careful, I'm only 4000Km away if you and I are home!
same old feed back, from no vibration to bad vibrations, surely triumph are aware and could offer a fix.

A survey would be a good idea, then send the results to Triumph.

I told them about this vibrating clutch
I read somewhere it came from this 105n/m nut holding the clutch basket not torque enough
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........ triumph Australia did suggest getting a dealer to check the torque of the clutch hub nut, but I did not have it done.

Who needs a survey? if you try the fix and it doesn't work then it may be worthwhile!
Hi and welcome to the forum.

All comments aside, as a 2015 is in still in warranty? In addition as you've only just bought it, the dealer has certain obligations. Could you reject it as faulty and buy another? Ok, might have more miles on it but at least it would be rideable.
This is an old problem/topic. A few years ago, there were reports of some people taking their Rockets back to dealer, for vibrations, and all the dealers were doing to solve the problem was adjusting all the slack out of the clutch cable. Would keep the customer happy, until either the lifter piece would break/wear out, or the clutch would start slipping. Just sayin......
NO the clutch must be adjusted correctly so there is some play so you dont burn up the lifter parts mines been that way for 24000 miles