R3R Vibration Problem

Welcome to the forum!!!!! You will get loads of help. Sorry I can't help at this time. I was actually looking at this bike a couple weeks ago. Was seriously thinking of buying it to add it to the other rocket I have. I have a 2005 with 5000 miles on it and I have no vibrations up to 100. Don't know about higher speeds as the bike hasn't went over this speed.

Are you from Iowa?

Mark Graham

You should have it looked at, something must be wrong with it.

You wouldn't be using a diverted location for your net access - are you? Well your location flag does anyway unless your on holiday in Italy!

The OP's bike sounds to be a lot worse than yours too I wouldn't put up with it on a bike with under 1000miles - the dealer is just bull****ting him if it is that bad!
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You are clever, i am in Milan at the moment, triumph Australia did suggest getting a dealer to check the torque of the clutch hub nut, but I did not have it done.
I have an 05 with 50k on the clock and she is silky smooth, just bought an 08 with 19k miles and she vibrates so bad around 3k that my hands start going numb. Kinda sucks because that one of the things I love about my other Rocket is how it smooth it is.
Well looks like you know how to fix it now.
same old feed back, from no vibration to bad vibrations, surely triumph are aware and could offer a fix.

A survey would be a good idea, then send the results to Triumph.