R3R Love At First Sight!

Hey Guys thanks for welcoming me to the forum I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone.

Skip I couldn't have said it any better, you're absolutely right. I'll get back to you about the belts.
Welcome from New South Wales, Australia, recently, I too did the Harley upgrade to a Rocket 3, Enjoy the ride and stay safe.

The Kiwi.
Never owned a Harley but rode a few. That plus the fact I rode a Rocket is why I own a Rocket. I ride mine every day and it only gets better and better.
Welcome from Brisbane bay side. I came from 20 years on a harley aint never going back. Butt I like the new Ducati sports cruiser.
Hello from the UK, land of the raining sun....

After buying my R3T I felt the need to visit my local H-D dealer.......

For chrome cleaner and washing materials. Vey good they are too.
Welcome to the site you will learn a lot about your new girlfriend from the good people on this forum. Nice to see another rocket rider in Philly. I'm getting tired of killing Suzuki m109's by myself. I recently met a few of the members in your club nice guys, rode with them to a bar on Broad St. I know I'll be seeing you in the streets.
We all know what a joy it is ridding such a beast. Might take ya a few thousand miles to get used to the size. Enjoy it and welcome to the site.

Glad to meet you PR, I'm looking forward to seeing you out there.

Yeah our guys are a good bunch, stop by the clubhouse one Thursday for Bike Night, ask for Harley! Good thing I still have my Harley, lol.

Ride Safe.
Welcome and congrats on the bike.

We've been discussing a common problem on all dual headlight bikes Triumph has yet to fix, you should be aware of it ASAP.

The ignition switch carries too much amperage and melts the solder points over time. Installing a Headlight Relay Bypass Kit is strongly recommended.

Easter Beaver.com makes a kit specifically for the R3 and you should look into it. Use the search box here on the site to read past and current discussions on the subject before it embarrasses you in front of your Hardly buds.