Both my mates , the Muscle rider and the Rocket rider that i referred to in my earlier post are absolute fuc*in maniacs when it comes to racing each other. I have no idea how the rest of you guys are creaming every V-Rod you seem to encounter. Maybe the V-Rods in the States are slower than the ones we get in Australia :rolleyes: but i doubt it !!!
Stock for stock the vrod it atleast .5 seconds slower in the quarter mile. Differences in powerbands can make a street race seem like a blowout. If your not revving the piss out of the vrod and launching it aggressively the its an open and shut case against a r3 with even a modest launch.
I like the fact that no-one really wants to take me on and I can't see what I can possibly gain by actually racing a V-Rod (or M109). Let them wonder!
Both my mates , the Muscle rider and the Rocket rider that i referred to in my earlier post are absolute fuc*in maniacs when it comes to racing each other. I have no idea how the rest of you guys are creaming every V-Rod you seem to encounter. Maybe the V-Rods in the States are slower than the ones we get in Australia :rolleyes: but i doubt it !!!

How do you know we in the states who ride rockets arn't total fuc#in maniacs also :eek:)

That and most harley riders in the states are yuppies just buying into the hype if you ride it must be a harley cuz there cool .

Harley are like bellybuttons everyone has one there to arrigant to try anything else harleys are the best .
But some of us know better .
We go our own way !
Stock for stock the vrod it atleast .5 seconds slower in the quarter mile. Differences in powerbands can make a street race seem like a blowout. If your not revving the piss out of the vrod and launching it aggressively the its an open and shut case against a r3 with even a modest launch.

There is not too many bikes that can beat an R3 off the mark.The vrods are in their powerband at 8000+,the rocket is half that.
How do you know we in the states who ride rockets arn't total fuc#in maniacs also :eek:)

That and most harley riders in the states are yuppies just buying into the hype if you ride it must be a harley cuz there cool .

Gota be a total fuc#in maniac to ride a motorcycle with a car engine in it , lets face it :D

Don't get me started on the clowns running around in Harley T-Shirts these days :cool:
Like others have said, the V-Rod needs to be launched at high RPMs like a 'Busa or ZX-14.. and kept at those RPMs through the 1/4 mile or whatever distance. I've taken a ZX-14 off the line to 100 MPH, but I bet if the rider was able to get a higher RPM launch, it would've been closer.. After 100 MPH, he was gone like a bullet though!..
The last time the boy and I hooked up we ran 2 times just to make sure it wasn't a flook. The first time was a slow roll and then nailed them. I walked away from him NP. The second time was down the road a ways and we did it again. This time at a slow roll and the boy pulled the clutch in and brought his rpm's up. When we said go, he dropped the clutch and shot out in front by 2 bikes at least. I rolled into it to keep the front end down and caught him by the time I was in second gear. When I hit 3rd gear I started walking away from him. Now bear in mind that I am 100 lbs heavier than his also. I tried to get him to switch me and I ride the V-Rod and him on the Rocket just to show him how big a difference 100 lbs. makes. He never would try it that way. Like I said, he is looking at selling the V-Rod and buying the new Ducati Deivel. I don't think I can hang with the Ducati but you can bet that I am going to try him to see. lol

Big T
your joking

my ex rode a v rod,and it went pretty good. do the math,turbo v rod, 165hp@ the rear tire........vs my 280rwhp Rocket???? Really????, F cough Mate!