R3 Valve adjustment tool

Originally Posted by xhdskip
buy one and rent it out.
It MAY not go the way of Marcus' front end tool,
which has apparently disappeared from the face of the Earth
as I'm still waiting on my turn with it.
Wish I knew who has it, I'd sure send them a polite PM asking for it.
My springs have been sitting here for quite awhile now...

No it hasn't. I've got it Skip. I sent it to Fred (I believe) and he sent it back.
I haven't done my forks yet. I was just going to give it back to Marcus after I'm done.

if me and Lupe can make it up North in August for the Salvo, can you bring it over?
We could do it then one afternoon or evening.
Lupes wanting to do a 5,500 mile run this year,
up into BC, Canada, I don't even know if I can get into Canada.
probably need a passport and don't know if I'm eligible for one with felonies in my past.
Canada sounds good if I can get in there, if not, oh well, I'll just take the long way home...
Ain't been to Chicago in a decade or two. Me, I just wanna ride, I ain't that picky.
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Yes, or I can send them to you. This is almost funny. I didn't realize you had responded to this and couldn't recall the thread it was in. Ah, Valve Adjustment Too.

I truly didn't realize they were missing. Just don't send them back.
Hey Skip I am pretty sure you will need a pasport cause We need one or a nexus card to cross into the states I know in canada we cant get a nexus card if we ever had problems in the states.If you make it to BC let us know . Leave you hand guns at home they dont like them at the border LOL
Don't feel bad Mike,
I forgot what thread it was in too.

Can't own a handgun.
i'd have to depend on Lupe to protect me...
Don't matter anyway if ya gotta have a passport,
I'm not eligible.
looks like I'm stuck in the obamanation.
Maybe I could tell them I'm just passing through on my way to Alaska,,,,,
Did anyone buy one of these or did they end up making one? I am at 10,000 miles and thinking of checking my valves.. Would like to be able to adjust them without taking everything apart.
Emailed the guy that makes these and he claims no problem using the tool without removing the cams.
Go for it!! We'd love to find out that it will work!! Let us know, please..............
Ruzzle I will let everyone know what I find out when I get the tool. I have never done a valve adjustment on anything I owned. Scares me a bit, but I have done a ton of work on snowmobiles, atvs, trucks. Just never pulled cams and stuff like that so would like to avoid doing that. Would also like to avoid the big bill of having someone else doing the work.