R3 Touring ran fine now it won't start

As was stated Tune ECU is a piece of cake to learn and use.

Emissions removal:

RamAir (or K&N) is fairly straight forward once the tank is up (or off).

It may take some searching but there are posts about the other stuff. Quite a few of us have also swapped out our voltage regulator with one from a Suzuki and also added real horns such as Stebel.

If you want to learn about the bike and really learn how to maintain it and make mods this is the place to be. About 99% of the FB posts and posters are "oh, look at me", here it is a little different. Anyone worth their salt on the FB page will always direct new owners here, it is how you weed them out.

I would recommend doing a search here on whatever you want to do first and then move on. Everyone is here to help you get through it.

thx Bob , for the info. I got the new fuel filter earlier today but **** work has gotten in the way! Tomorrow morning I'll drain the fuel and switch in the new filter and see where we are.
I would check the roll over valve of the fuel tank. If it doesn't work correctly, it leads to a vacuum in the fuel tank and not enough fuel can be pressed to the injectors.
Regards, Georg
The roll over valve/breather valve is positioned appr. in the middle of one of the two hoses that lead from under the tank down behind the engine block. On the Roadster it is under the left side cover. With the touring it should be similar.
Regards, Georg
First of all open the gas cap to make sure that there is no vacuum in the tank. Try to start the engine with gas cap opened.
Second step is to remove this valve from its tube and try to start again.
Regards, Georg
First of all open the gas cap to make sure that there is no vacuum in the tank. Try to start the engine with gas cap opened.
Second step is to remove this valve from its tube and try to start again.
Regards, Georg
ok, thanks much.
1ST spray throttle body return springs/rod with wd40 open throttles wide open then let fly shut (several times)
try to start
2nd spray a little starting fluid into the throttle bodies if it has original plastic ducts then spray into filter area
post results.
thanks all for the advice. I've taken the tank off and drained out what may be old fuel. I plan on new fuel and some Seafoam cleaner at first startup (hopefully first start up). Also switching out the fuel filter.. I'll also check the roll over valve as Georg suggested. I'm pulling the spark plugs to check their condition since they are uncovered. Hopefully this will cure what ails her.