R3 Touring ran fine now it won't start


.020 Over
Sep 7, 2022
Northern VA
2008 Rocket III Touring
just bought this 6800 total miles 2008 model in July. I trailered it home from Delaware and took it directly to the local Triumph dealer for a new front tire and inspection. Finally got it back this week and it started running rough on the 10 mile drive home. I did pull into a Sheetz for gas (regular) but it only took about 1 1/2 gallons before it was full. It ran fine in the 2 miles prior to Sheetz but afterwards it would bog down and stumble when I rolled in a bunch of throttle. But the time I got it home it would only idle. Now it won't start at all. Just cranks. Any ideas?
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Hey @joel, Just tossing this out there since I'm working through a similar issue now on my 96 Vmax (So here's my two generic non-rocket specific quick thoughts). It never hurts to start with the simplest potential issues first, just so you can rule them out and move on.

I'm new to the rockets, so I haven't even checked mine to see, but I assume there's a stock fuel filter that could be worth a look (My Vmax has one right under the seat that took 2mins to swap out). idk's advise would still hold true, but if you had bad fuel in the tank, the filter would need to be swapped too.

Next easy one that might not be an issue at all, but maybe worth bringing up (This is where I'm at on my Vmax now), maybe check the battery? I know on cars not starting is usually the first symptom of a bad battery (and since our rockets have a 2.3L engine maybe they are closer to cars than most bikes), but an old battery that won't fully recharge can cause some strange symptoms. Might be worth a check
thx much. I actually ordered a new fuel filter a couple days ago ( my wife's suggestion. she thinks check the simplest first also). Never thought about draining the fuel. But, you're right..start with the simplest and move from there. When the filter gets here, I'll drain the gas and change out the filter. I'll check the spark plugs while they're uncovered just to know where I stand on this bike as far as basic maintenance goes.
I'm usually guilty of finding someone with similar symptoms in a forum post and trying the fix that worked for them, so I constantly have to remind myself to start simple.

Best luck to you for a quick & cheap fix.
btw, the manual is in the link in my signature.
A few observations.

When you remove the plate on the bottom of the tank to replace the fuel filter (for future reference there is a NAPA Gold filter that works great and is cheaper than a Triumph branded one) be very careful when replacing the nuts back on the studs when replacing. If you go with the manual stated torque of 5Nm you will stand a very good chance of snapping one or two off (ask how I know : ( ). The good thing is they are fairly easy to replace by welding new ones on, just a pain purging the tank and getting it welded. I would personally treat the tightening sequence like a car tire (alternating opposites) and just snug them down reasonably tight against the rubber gasket with some blue or even purple Loctite on the studs. While you have the tank off it *may* be a good time to switch over to a Ramair or K&N filters and remove all of the stock air plumbing, if really looking for other things to do removing the emissions control canister and tubing can be done once the air duct stuff is removed. It will open up quite a bit of space behind the LH side panel. Another thing to do would be to apply some silicone to the side cover grommets and zip tie the side covers on (there are posts on all of this) so you don't lose one. If you do lose one you may never find another. Oh, once you get it all back together a can or two of Seafoam would not be a bad idea to clear out the injection tubing/injectors.

And change out all the rubber gas hoses that are in the tank. Look for some good gas line, designed for being submersed all the time. The stock hoses deteriorate badly with age.
thank you mucho everyone!! this is great information and very helpful. Things I haven't thought of. @Bob R , about changing out the stock intake plumbing, any information or related posts is greatly appreciated. I have seen this type of mod on the Facebook group and am interested in freeing up the breathing of the engine. Any info on de-smogging the engine also. Do these types of mods require an ECU tune afterwards? Any tuners in the Mid-Atlantic region? I'm in Northern VA. And would prefer to take the bike to someone...me and computers don't always get along. thx