R3 Touring model differences over the years?

So is it safe to say that as a person who's new to the Rocket world I'd aim to get a Tourer which is 2012 or newer? I'm guessing that comes with almost (if not) all features and fixes?
Yeah I guess that's when ABS started, I'm used to the old school so I'm happy without it, just look for something with low mileage, this is my first cruising bike and once you get used to the weight you'll love it, has a low center of gravity cause there's no bottom frame, I'm getting used to it faster than I thought, if you never road a cruiser like me it's a little intimidating at first, but I'm a big guy so I need something bigger to haul my Big A** around, LOL, and if not sell it and move on to a small lighter bike.
What kinda bike you used to, what weight, what size. I was used to bike's around 500lbs so 890lb bike plus the 75lbs of fatter butt over the years I'm 300lbs that's over a half of ton going down the road on 2 wheels, if this thing goes down there's no way I'm standing it up by myself, maybe when I was 20 year's younger and 50 lbs ago, I just leaned it over slowly on railroad ties about 3' up, on the crash bar's thank God, nothing got Bent i was trying to move it forward with the kickstand down and went to put it on the kickstand and it wasn't down, it was really hard to get it back up and it wasn't even halfway down, I had to take a break in between, plus I was kinda pinned between the bike and ties.
I told my son before he could get on his dirt bike and RT 100 Yamaha Enduro I laid it on the ground and said he had to pick it up, and he did. I still won't agree for him to get a road bike, he's too crazy yet 29, when will he grow up??? .
And if you plan on riding 2 up, your probably looking at half a ton, plus maybe someone that's never ridden before, I haven't ridden 2 up yet, probably won't with my girlfriend she has never ridden.
But good luck in your endeavors, and remember Murphy's law, what ever can go wrong, will go wrong and be ready for the worst, but enjoy the Ride!!!
I currently ride a 2003 V-Star 1100 Custom. It's not as heavy as the Rocket but im about 220lbs and 6ft so I think I'll be fine
Yeah you'll be fine, just get used to it before getting tricky, I always tell everybody don't fly down a trail you've never been down before, and just remember Murphy's Law whatever can go wrong will go wrong, keep a safe distance, be ready for the left turns in front of you at the worst possible time, give the butt head's plenty of room so you have time to react, know what's around you at all times just in case you have to jot left or right or stop quickly, I use the whole lane and stay as far away from anyone else as I can, never ran into anything, knock on wood, but I've dropped my old bike a couple times, once in the snow with my X chasing me, and once turning from one road into another road, had a patch of sand, but nothing over 25 - 35 mph sh** happens quick the faster your going, had a few close calls that way too, but that was my fault, I'm older and wiser now, I think .
But people come over on you all the time on multilane highways, as I'm sure everybody knows, just be safe and Live To Ride and Ride To Live, to tell us about it. GL
Appreciate the words of wisdom