R3 + shortbed = what the hell are you doing?

Perhaps someone has a trailer to loan . . . ?
I have a great new solo trailer that just hauled my R3R 2500 miles on way to Texas.
Too bad I be in WA State . . .
And there I was giving you kudos for the long distance ride in my head all that time! ;):p:(:D:roll::roll::roll:
If you really have to...
Back the truck into the curb with the back tires against the curb. This will lower the back end of the truck giving you a lower ramp height.
But with that said, I'd rent a trailer. Much safer.
@Danvitt - what I've figured out from experience is that you can rent a Uhaul motorcycle trailer (the R3 fits great) and as long as you pick up and drop off the trailer from the same location it will only cost you $15! I realized picking up my last bike (my V2K I had before getting the R3 last week) that it is WAAAY more expensive to get to where the bike is, get the trailer there, and return it at home. I think it must be because they know how far you are taking it and charge accordingly. If you pick it up and drop it off at the same location, they don't know if you are driving 10 miles across town or 500. In my case last week, I picked it up at 9am and could keep it until 7am the next morning and it was $15. Seriously.

Hope that helps in some way. Here's a pic of mine from last week.
IMG_2755 2.JPG
I'm sure you're spending a decent amount of moolah on your bike. If it were me nows not the time to try and save money. Like the rest said...get a trailer...its gonna be way cheaper than if the Rocket falls. You can save money by doing some of your own maintenance.
@Danvitt - what I've figured out from experience is that you can rent a Uhaul motorcycle trailer (the R3 fits great) and as long as you pick up and drop off the trailer from the same location it will only cost you $15! I realized picking up my last bike (my V2K I had before getting the R3 last week) that it is WAAAY more expensive to get to where the bike is, get the trailer there, and return it at home. I think it must be because they know how far you are taking it and charge accordingly. If you pick it up and drop it off at the same location, they don't know if you are driving 10 miles across town or 500. In my case last week, I picked it up at 9am and could keep it until 7am the next morning and it was $15. Seriously.

Hope that helps in some way. Here's a pic of mine from last week.
IMG_2755 2.JPG

Good call, I think this is what I'll do. saves me over a $150 bucks. I was thinking I was going to save gas by not towing all the way up. Was going to leave tonight but I could use a good night sleep before that drive. Either way, my rocket is coming home this week :)
I was attending a convention in Daytona, FL and bought a Rocket an hour away. I rented a U-haul one way (Titusville, FL to Huntsville,AL) the week before last.
It cost $143.78 for 4 days. I could not find a Uhaul bike trailer, so I rented a 5x9 Utility Trailer with Ramp (only difference is it does not have a front wheel chock). As germ79 posted, it is cheaper to rent and bring back.

Here is a pic of mine, at my Orange Beach,AL home, on the way back to Huntsville.
