R3 Roadster purchase

I'd have to agree with that. My stupid days are over, I just want to cruse.

We'll see if you can resist the urge to keep rolling that throttle on some quiet back road you're a better man than i am.
We'll see if you can resist the urge to keep rolling that throttle on some quiet back road you're a better man than i am.

Well......if no one is watching...lol. Just want to keep it real, I do a lot of other things that give me that rush and when it comes to my time on my bike, well you know, I find it nice to take my time and just ride.
Well Dawg you've picked the best cruiser in the business imho, my Roadster's the only bike i've ridden that will pull away two-up from 1000rpm in top gear smooth as anything. - all the way to silly speeds pdq
Forget gearchanging and enjoy the scenery. And hills don't exist anymore as far as this bike's concerned, as I'm sure's been said before, you just give it a little more gas and you're away!
Just don't park it front wheel downhill into a tight space.....not cool!
Well......if no one is watching...lol. Just want to keep it real, I do a lot of other things that give me that rush and when it comes to my time on my bike, well you know, I find it nice to take my time and just ride.

Ok you got my interest .. care to share what these ' other things' that give you a 'that rush' are ??
For me...for the last twelve years...it's mountain biking.

Gentlemen...that there is some of the finest in cross country bike engineering. About $7000.00 worth in fact.


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may be you should stick to that the rocket has a little more power than that and you all ready have that one
Ok you got my interest .. care to share what these ' other things' that give you a 'that rush' are ??

Lol...not a problem. Like bigblockrocket I do mountain biking. I like racing single track cross country and I also ride DH (down hill, gravity fed) take a chairlift to the top of the mountain, strap on a helmet and see how fast you can get to the bottom. Big berms, drops, jumps, skinniest etc....if that does not get the heart pumpin I don't know what will. Just google DH mountain biking and watch a couple of youtube vid's, you get the drift. That's the fun stuff.
On the other side I'm still serving in the military, going on 27 years now and recently just returned from my second combat tour to Afghanistan, 2011. Even though I'm Canadian I deployed with the boys from 10 Mountain Div. it was a great opportunity to serve with some great men and women. So there you have it, my job provides me with enough adrenaline pumping action that when I get on my bike it's time to chill, no music, cell phones or passengers.
Don't get me wrong, I will take the odd opportunity to twist that throttle all little more than may be necessary now and then but for the most part I find riding somewhat relaxing.
Yep Dawg is right. I've been an athlete all my life mountain biking is certainly one of the most thrilling (along with downhill skiing and of course...motorcycles). And, nothing I've ever done will let you know what kind of shape you're in as mountain biking.

Ah cool Dawg...the Trance has always been a good frame and if you just made the switch to the big hoops...oh man...you're gonna REALLY dig it brutha. I'll never go back to the 26ers. I had two Giants before the Jet9 Niner: an AC1 all-mountain and a NRS1 X-country race. Giant makes a fine bike. You'll like it.

Enuff said...nothing gets the adrenalin pumping like getting shot at! Thanks for your service!


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Fair enough Dawg .. not what i expected but there you go. Just goes to show the diverse range of fellas buying Rockets these days. Have no doubt tear-arsing down a mountainside on a pushbike would have it's thrills .. understand why taking it a bit slower when you get back from overseas would be appealing. Safe Roads (and hills)