A nice review with lots of information. I just traded off my last R3 2015 touring for a new not yet sold 2023 GT this summer. I am 77 soon to be 78 and I'm loving my new ride. Some of my riding friends thought I was a idiot for getting what they called a young mans bike, but I didn't see it that way. It's a sport cruiser without all the weight. They kind of harshed my joy and mellow at first with their comments, but ya know what, they have no idea how the bike performs, handles, rides, (I love the forward controls), and the seat is great. I just couldn't handle all that touring weight anymore and I always wanted a GT. I was looking at an Indian, but in the end, that was a big non performing NOPE. My new GT handles like a toy...even though it is not. I have a Madstad windshield, the Triumph Panniers and I just bought a set of the Powerbronze handguards to give a try. I may not run them year round and I am definitely "not a fan" of their mounting solution around the bar ends. I think I have that sorted out using the Triumph end weights and existing parts for mounting the mirrors. I have not put them on yet, but will at some point. Enjoy your Storm!