I have a friend that has strong convictions (aka opinions) about synthetic oil and he will not use it. I don't listen to his rants about it. I just nod my head a lot, lol. But, the jist is something to the effect that synthetic does more damage than good over the long haul.
Thats too bad the guy won't give in to progress ...

I had my doubts about the stuff when Mobil 1 1st came out, and I wouldn't use it either. Later down the road I learned more about it and saw that it was being used exclusively by manufacturers like Ferrari, Porsche and in Corvettes. The more I learned about the stuff the more I wanted to try it out. I started using it in everything but was still changing the oil in them every 3500 miles .... started getting expensive.

So I started letting it go longer since the Corvette service intervals were getting further apart (I worked at a GM dealer back then). Then I bought the wife her Benz and it had a 10,000 mile service interval, since it checked its own oil level regularly (and held a ****-load of it), I started to let them go and left it in 10k. I now have that Cooper S and was shocked to see it had a 15,000 mile interval ! Since I drive the piss out it, I have to add some oil to it now and then but still let it go the full 15K. The synthetic Mobil 1 DOES work! It actually saves me alot of money in the long run. If I had more faith in the filters, I'd definately trust the oil to last better than 25,000 miles. I check the condition of the oil when I change it and it holds up fantastic. You can dip a tool into the used oil and it coats like fresh out of the bottle. If it weren't for the color, you couldn't tell the difference between new oil and 15,000 mile oil. With todays technology we have lifetime engine coolant, lifetime automatic transmission fluid and spark plugs that last over 100,000 miles ... how about lifetime engine oil? I have a self propelled sears lawn mower with a Kohler engine that I put Mobil 1 in after the break-in oil in 1997, I've NEVER changed it! She still starts 1st pull with no engine noise.

Since the hardly is going to explode one day anyway, if you got him to convert he would just blame you and the oil when it does, so I wouldn't bark up that tree. LOL