
Aug 16, 2024
England, County Durham
2023 R3 GT
Hi all. First time R3 owner here from the UK.

I had a '22 Harley FXLRS but I was having back issues with the seating position. I dithered about throwing loads of coin at it to change the ergonomics and add some performance up-grades, then went for a ride a few weeks ago and ended up with a crippled back. The seat height is just too low for me. I still wanted a performance cruiser but there wasn't another Harley in the range that I really wanted (or could afford) so on a whim I bought a '23 R3 GT, sight-unseen and never having ridden one.
Big gamble but it's the best thing I've ever done. What a bike!

Looking forward to personalising it and diving into the knowledge pool on here.
A Vandemon can and set of titanium headers is on the way and a K&N filter and remap will follow. Maybe a Corbin Gunfighter seat too. The pillion pad on the stock seat digs into my back somewhat, but I've barely ridden a thousand miles yet so I'll give it some time.

I'm loving this thing. The sense of thrust is just awesome and though it's heavier than my Harley it actually feels lighter, even with a full tank of fuel. One of the easiest and most rewarding bikes to ride I've owned.

She's a beaut for sure, welcome from sunny, hot Tejas. I'm surprised to hear your Harley was lighter. My 2 other bikes are Indians and they are 2 to 300 hundred lbs heavier.
She's a beaut for sure, welcome from sunny, hot Tejas. I'm surprised to hear your Harley was lighter. My 2 other bikes are Indians and they are 2 to 300 hundred lbs heavier.
Thanks. 👍
The Harley's dry weight was 247 kg, the GT's is 291 kg. So the GT is heavier but definitely doesn't feel it. I was expecting it to be a real handful paddling it about or wheeling it around in the garage. It arrived with a full tank of gas and I was amazed how easy it was to manoeuvre and how little weight I felt sitting astride it and rocking it side to side. I opened the fuel cap expecting to see it empty and was surprised to find it brimmed.

The only other Harley I would have considered in the current range was a Road King Special. At 366 kg it's way heavier than the GT and it really feels it. Great bike and super comfortable but a good used one would have been 5 grand more than my GT. And then I'd have had to throw loads at it to uncork the engine and open it up. I'm kind of glad that the whole Harley tuning business is such a minefield to a Harley newbie and it took me ages to figure out the best way to go with pipes, cam, tuner, primary upgrades etc, otherwise I'd have dived in and bought all sorts of stuff and still found it played my back up.
I still love Harleys and I'll probably have another at some point but it won't be a competitor or direct replacement to the Rocket. Once you've had this kind of performance I don't think there's any going back. This Triumph is an absolute keeper.

My bike is an ex-demo. It's got a few minor scratches but I can live with it because it was cheap. 2023 bike, 3K on the clock and £16500, 7K-odd less than a new one.

Some of the brushed aluminium is a quite dulled and the tank strap bracket up by the headstock is a touch furry. I reckon it did some winter rides and probably spent a lot of time sat outside the dealership in the rain. But there's no other corrosion and I don't care for the brushed aluminium look anyway so I plan to take those parts off at some point and have them mirror polished and then lacquered.
The grey brushed-alloy look plastics (radiator shroud etc) will be replaced with carbon as well in due course.
Welcome to the forum, from the Derbyshire peak district.

I don't think the pillion insert thingy will ever become comfortable. Especially on a long ride.

I keep meaning to do something about it myself, but it's only really the longer runs where it gets proper annoying for me, and so far, I haven't tended to do all that many long (non-stop) trips so I keep not getting round to resolving the issue.

I guess it will be just a case of peeling back the vinyl covering and sorting out the padding and then rolling the vinyl back etc... but it could also be influenced by the hard plastic moulding part of the unit. I must get round to doing something this winter, or before I do another proper long day in the saddle.
Welcome. I myself came off of a Street Bob 114, which is close to the same dry weight to the Rocket 3 GT. In my case it had more to do with the rear suspension, which had less travel than the Rocket's. They handle identically in the twisties.
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Welcome Gimlet! Glad to hear the change worked out well for you and your back. The R3s are certainly exciting and capable machines. Enjoy, be safe, and again welcome.
Welcome from sunny North Texas. I know the need for lighter bikes, I've been going down that rabbit hole for the past two years as my knees get worse, finally ended with buying a Speed Triple RS. At 158kg full of fluids it's the lightest bike with 150HP I'll ever own.
Welcome along from across the pond in the emerald isle. I bought mine without a test ride also. Went to the dealer saw it and shelled out €30k on an R. I didn't like the forward........ and what a bike - incredible - pity the same can't be said about the dealer
