R3 Brake Replacement

Pulled it apart put it back together seems ok now . The little metal clip that sits inside the caliper was rubbing I think. One of the little upward facing tabs broke off but it seems ok

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play it safe order a replacement it ain't worth the gamble and make sure you engage the pad tips in the cilp next time
Ok im going to see if i can buy a new anti rattle spring tomorrow for my rear caliper
apparantly that is what that clip is called.
my problem is as easy as the pads wher to remove and install i had never done it before and i wasnt looking for this anti rattle spring clip thingy when i pulled the pads out. no one had mentioned any clip or spring that i can remember so anyway it fell out before i had a chance to see where its correct position is.
so now im only guessing ass to how the bloody little thing is ment to be located in the caliper .
im assuming it is to reduce any pad movement or vibration but any help is appreciated before i put a new one in the wrong way and wreck it also
Correct it stops the pad rattling in the calliper by putting spring preasure on the pads.
From memory the anti rattle spring is reversable I think, but you should be able to tell.. anyway mitch double check that you have located the pad hook or claw into the recese in the bling end of the calliper.. if you dont the pad will be floating .

As you push each pad in support it with ya finger tips under the calliper between the calliper and the disk because you cant control the pad with the little ring the lock pin goes thru'

I locate the pad on the side that the lock pin goes in first and insert the pin to hold it while I position and locate the other pad, have the anti rattle spring nearby hold the second pad steady then place the anti rattle spring in place and slide the pin through over the indent and into the other pad and thru the calliper.

Check the pads follow the contour of the calliper at the bottom on both sides and make sure they are firmly located and tidy.. not sticking out below the calliper.

Do Not Force anything they should go together easily. make sure the little pin spring clips are in good parrallel alignment and the open tips are touching almost.. use long nose pliers to gently insert them one in the pin tip first then the inboard one as the hole should be easy to find now.

Hope this makes sense and it was what you where asking
Its not the pads im having a problem with i reckon i could take them out and put them back blindfolded its the anti rattle spring im having difficulty with im not sure exactly where in the calaper it is ment to go .
i think i have it in the rite spot but im not sure becouse i didnt see it before it fell out

Check you email I sent a w/shop manual page to you its in .xps format/

I think you will have to take the whole calliper off its mount.. because you will have to press the anti rattle spring into the recess .. you will see how it fits and clicks into place.

Sorry Mitch My Bad, I forgot to mention about making sure you lined up the the tangs into the anti rattle springs...... I guess I forgot you had not done this before
Sorry Mitch My Bad, I forgot to mention about making sure you lined up the the tangs into the anti rattle springs...... I guess I forgot you had not done this before
Its all good mate all part of my learning curve i will know for next time
im going to ring up gold coast triumph in the morning hopefully thay have a anti rattle spring in stock and ill take it down and get them to put it in.
I dont have a paddock stand only a jack and my socket and rachet wont go onto the nut becoase of the silencer being in the way so ill have buckleys of getting my torque wrench in there when i gotta do it back up without removing a silencer.
As i said the pads wher a piece of cake to get in and out they locate perfectly its just that **** spring fell out before i could see where it belongs and i broke it i will be much more carfull not to dislodge it next time round now that i know its there .
I must also invest in a padock stand so i can secure the beast if i need to get in amongst it .I dont feel comfortable pulling that bolt on the wheel that goes through the caliper even though its only enough to clear without a stand dont want her falling over on me and i got buckleys of getting the spring back in without removing the calliper. but its all good because i learned something new and thats what its all about in the end.
For working on your bike get a pro lift ATVJack from Repco they have them on special regularly for about $147 or there about's I made little braket that sits over one of the legs of the jack and attachs to the lugs under back of the motor I can lift bike up about 500 mm ( 1 1/2 foot) and it sits there securely, even without bracket you can lift it a fair way just not as safely