R3 Basics

Summer riding is one thing, but if you ride year round, including in below freezing temps, or in the rain, looks be ****ed - you'll be glad to cut that wind.
I do ride year round and have heated gear, rain gear etc. That being said I'm in northern California so I don't get some of the severe weather others do. I had a BMW R1100RT with an adjustable windshield many moons ago, rode through some pretty nasty rain storms over the years and actually was glad that I had it.
Ah, now you're really talk'n windshields. Before the Rockets (Classic, Roadster and now R3) I had an R1100RT followed by a R1200RT which was a fantastic bike (the tough decision back then was to choose between it and the Classic- Triumph won over with more power and comfort). That windshield on the RT was amazing though- motorized up and down and, when up, you were in a completely wind-free pocket of calm. German engineering at its finest.
When I was deciding between purchasing an R or a GT I was in the same boat as the OP. After doing the math I think if figured that it was cheaper to go with the GT and just add the Triumph removable bags than to do everything thats needed to turn the R into a capable part time tourer.
Just to note: the GT forward controls do have a few position adjustments up front (basically an inch or so each way), but the bike can also be converted to the R mid controls as well with a conversion kit - you'll find extension rods etc under the RHS panel.

I bought the R sight unseen based on reviews (and there were hardly any demo bikes around in late 2020) plus I wanted a red one as they are faster. I then added GT backrest and screen, round sport mirrors, heated grips, BT module, rear rack (since removed), rim tape, black badges etc etc. Oh, and now lots of carbon. The GT screen actually helped smooth the airflow for me (at 5'10") at... ahem... "highway speeds", but others have said it does nothing for them, so YMMV: