It has to be before August, I haven't decided yet if it will be June or July but my schedule is leaning towards June. I'm planning on doing at least 2 weeks but no more than 4. I'm currently debating between two different trips, this one and another that takes me through the states to visit family in VA and TX, I am leaning heavily towards this trip though. I did sit down this morning an did an alternate route which would take me North into Labrador and back down to NL (found another ferry route that I wasn't aware of) so I won't need to retrace my exact route up for more than a hundred miles or so, it does force me to drop one of my destinations but only puts me on gravel for about a hundred miles. I'll post a link to my Google map later when I've got it worked out.
If anyone wants to come along for part or whole of the trip you are more than welcome to join.