Quick Shifter Installed R3 GT

Initial impressions from the ride home yesterday after having it installed.

Upshifts at worst are about as smooth as a lazily executed clutchless upshift. And at best are as smooth as a well executed one, but without having to momentarily unload the throttle. It prefers higher revs, but that isn't necessary - lower revs aren't rough really.

Downshifting is where this shines for me. Off throttle, on the brakes, snicking down through the gears not touching the clutch while approaching a turn, curve, or stoplight, without even really having to think about it. That alone makes me glad I opted for it.
Dear Sven:

I just happened across your post and saw that you are in Germany. I was wondering.... Do they still sell Hein Gericke jackets in Germany. I was wearing one when I had a horrific accident this past January and it worked flawlessly. The craftsmanship of those jackets is second to none. Mine was a Hein Gericke Gore-tex, Cordura jacket. I believe it was a master V jacket but I may be off on the exact model. Mine was a 3xl American sized. If they still make them in Germany, any information you can provide would be much appreciated. I just got my Rocket 3 GT and really would like to replace the jacket. Thanks again...

YES !!! I did it FORTUNATELY. Just more fun and in a way a feeling of having to some extend a R3R boosted !
Triumph should definitively sell it standard !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great thread actually made me immediately call the service person and give him some knowledge. I think most of the Triump technicians are poorly trained and lack the necessary skills to properly install an accessory. Now I found the instruction manual for assembly it clearly states lot of settings to be done and voltage checked during up and downshifts.

The technician does not even know that this setting has to be done. The fun part was after installing my quick shifter he has not even enabled the TSA option which I had informed him and got it done. But still the shifts are hard when operating clutch less and only up shift above 3000 rpm. I am calling him back to redo the settings. I shall share my feedback once I get all the settings done properly.
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Had my shift assist fitted yesterday. Down shifts are great and the rev matching seems spot on all the way down to first gear, it's the up shifts I am in two minds. Riding in town with gentle acceleration and upshifting between 2500 and 3000 is silky smooth and very pleasing, but changing gear whilst accelerating in a more spritely fashion seems to disappoint. The gear change at higher revs and more throttle (as it would be overtaking a car) has quite a lag between gears, it feels like a poor manual change when you shut the throttle too early before pulling in the clutch, it is a very on/off change. Is there a knack to using the quick shifter, is the power cut as long as you have pressure on the gear lever, do I have to be very quick with my foot? Should the system change the power cut time depending on revs and throttle position or is it set at one point?
Weather is forecast for rain today so I cannot go out and play with it, so any help would be appreciated.
Problem is how would one know that their service technician followed these guidelines and has the correct voltages...? They would laugh at you (not in your face) if you ask them these questions and/or they may feel insulted.
This is what is stopping me from getting the quick shifter. I can't be sure that they would do it correctly and not F*ck it up.
Actually servicing is done right in front of us here in India and we can monitor all the work closely. Once we are spending money for an accessory and trying to get out the best out of it I don't care what the technician thinks or feels I expect only the best service when they are charging you by the hour for fitment of the part. This definitely is not rocket science the parts installation manual clearly shows step by step instruction, actually except for the computer connection and software based tuning all other things can easily be done by us.
Agreed. And this is why if there's anything I can do myself, I wouldn't let the dealer do it because I know most likely I can do it better.
But here in merica, we are not allowed in the service area for "for our own safety" (unless you personally know the dealership or close with them, as was with my previous Indian dealership), so you can't monitor what they're doing, plus it can be somewhat annoying hovering over the technician's head the whole time.
My TFC came with the TQS on it from the factory I believe. Your description does not sound like my experience. The shift is always super fast regardless of how hard you on on the throttle. I’d have the dealer go thru the steps again to assure a proper installation. I would try to be delicate and polite to inspire them to do good work for you. I’d ask to talk to the tech directly and share with him your concerns.