Quick Shifter Installed R3 GT

Finally got the quick shifter installed on my GT today. Very impressed, definitely worth the money! Took the dealer about 90 minutes to install and program.
I just did as well. It's not quite what I expected. I expected it to be more like the paddles on my Goldwing DCT where you can shift whenever you want to. However, for me to shift you still have to manipulate the throttle back a bit just like if you were using the clutch. It also won't shift if you are not giving it any gas at all. Maybe that's normal for easy/quick shifters but it will take a little getting used to for me.
Update. This wasn't sitting right with me so i did research. Turns out the triumph mechanic who installed my easy shifter didn't enable it in the menus. I enabled and now it shifts whenever like it's supposed to. Works great. Really a beast using it.
On mine the quick shifter seems to work smoother the more throttle you apply.
Update. This wasn't sitting right with me so i did research. Turns out the triumph mechanic who installed my easy shifter didn't enable it in the menus. I enabled and now it shifts whenever like it's supposed to. Works great. Really a beast using it.
same here mate.
I was a bit disappointed about the quickshifter, because it wasn't much difference.

When switching to summertime in the menues I found soumething like "TSA disabled".
Set it to "enabled and... surprise surprise - I finally I had a real quickshifting Rocket .o)

My seller/mechanic told me stories about how complicated it was to program and implement the Quickshifter.
IMHO a poor failure from his side (-> Triumph Dortmund - Germany)

Warm regards
Finally got the quick shifter installed on my GT today. Very impressed, definitely worth the money! Took the dealer about 90 minutes to install and program.
Doesn't do anything for me and i wouldn't pay a dollar extra for it, but i am glad you got it and like it!
Pardon my deviation from the topic, but @wurzel Dortmunder union Dark Bier was the first German beer I drank at the ripe old age of 20. I had it in a Pub in Annapolis Maryland. It was after that first pitch of dark German bier that became of fan of all darks. Which led me to Hefeweizens and Stouts and the rest is history.

As for the quick shifter (small) issue of not being enabled in the computer, this is one of the reasons I don't like so many electronic doo-dads. Not being able to see the numbers at speed might be another issue for me. Hopefully, Triumph won't add these things to the Touring model when it comes out.
Update. This wasn't sitting right with me so i did research. Turns out the triumph mechanic who installed my easy shifter didn't enable it in the menus. I enabled and now it shifts whenever like it's supposed to. Works great. Really a beast using it.

I'll check mine as well...where did you see it in the menu?
Dortmunder Union rules! But Krombacher is my personal fav