Quick Shift seems expensive

If it came with it, it wouldn't bother me but for street riding, it's a complete waste of (that kind of) money IMHO.
I prefer the mechanical interaction at the cost of a few milliseconds when riding on public roads.
Very few things I have done on a motorcycle supplies more fun than absolutely pegging the throttle on the Rocket and running through the gears without moving the throttle off max. Pure fun. But I understand that isn't for everyone.
I agree. You don't have to even use it. And I usually don't when slowly putting around. But when you want to rip it through the gears or make a pass, the extra coin is absolutely worth every penny. It should come standard on every R3.
I put most options on my R when I bought it, but I'd say the QS is the only "must have". No, you won't use it all the time, but for the times you peg it and use it, you'll love it. I have the Penner tune as well, and pinning the throttle and smashing up through the gears is reality altering. For those who find their QS isn't "smooth", it really should be and might need recalibrating.

Before the "old skool" crowds tell me I'm soft, the reason I optioned it was early onset osteo arthritis meant constant clutching can actually be painful for me, but fortunately the Rocket clutch is light enough that it's not really a problem. It was an issue on my Honda CBR1100XX which was also hydraulic, but strangely not as bad on the cable clutch on my Ducati SuperSport S - maybe lever shape was a factor. *shrugs* Admittedly the Duc had a QS fitted as well, but very primitive compared to the Rocket. Really only good for upshifts on generous throttle openings and felt horrible on downshifts (even though it technically worked). The Rocket however is slick regardless of whether you are wringing its neck or just scooting out of your street. It is officially Gadget_ho approved!
I use mine constantly and I give zero craps what "old school" folks think. If they don't like it on their bikes I think that's great.
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My bike came with one fitted. It works fine, but my brain isn't wired to use it and so I have to keep reminding myself to take advantage of it.
It's so natural to use the clutch....second nature to me, I find it un-natural not to use the clutch. The fact that the clutch action is so nice and the gear change as slick as any bike i've ridden before, using the QS doesn't give me a big advantage on the road.
My suggestion to anyone considering having one fitted is, only do it if you have the funds to throw at it, or if you like to take it to the drag strip.
It's nice to have, but it's a luxury not an essential.
The TFC is the first quick shift equipped bike I have ever owned and I like to use it when I choose. The clutch on this bke is great but this QS gives a faster shift than I could ever make. Holding throttle wide open and hitting the shifter is just another thrill level. It is Indy car performance feel. Like I’ve ever driven an an Indian car.
Before the "old skool" crowds tell me I'm soft,
Bah if anyone said that I would ask them if they are driving manual trans vehicles without syncros and why they are bothering with electricity, they must be soft.

I love my quick shifter. Sure I use the clutch most of the time because of decades of muscle memory but I find it great when I am pinning it and it lets me row through the gears faster than I can clutch.
Very few things I have done on a motorcycle supplies more fun than absolutely pegging the throttle on the Rocket and running through the gears without moving the throttle off max. Pure fun. But I understand that isn't for everyone.
This is the thrill part. There’s also the lazy part downshifting to a stop. With no more clutch pulling and throttle blipping, you will need these:

Loving the TSA on my Rocket 3 R. Loved it on my R1 too! Besides heated grips and cruise control, a "must" on modern bikes in general!
the shifters are somewhat expensive but they work a treat - considering fitting one after riding a shop loaner while getting mine serviced and its very tempting. eventually elected to rather spend that cash on OBDlink, andriod tablet and tune ecu software and still have a chunk of change left.