Quick Shift question


Petroleum Consummate
Mar 3, 2022
Gauley Bridge, WV
'21 Rocket 3GT
I'm looking at the Quick Shift and see it is model specific on one part of it. I'm guessing the length of the rod is different depending on forwards or mid controls. So if you have mids on a GT should order the R specific kit to work with them. Right?
Stingray, I believe you’re correct.
Ruzzle however does make some good points. Probably what I will do since even if I install the kit it will still need to be turned on in ecu by the dealer.
The dealer software is also required for setting the control type to Forward or Rear so that the Shift Force Sensor voltages will be interpreted correctly. If not set correctly, the ECU will think you are downshifting when you try to upshift, and think you are upshifting when you try to downshift.

I was bummed when I learned that - I'd been considering getting mid controls, with the idea that I could switch between them without too much trouble other than a brake bleed.
The length of the rod is for where you have your foot pegs positioned. For example I have the extra length in mine because I have my GT set with the pegs all of the way forward. The GT to the R, as was already stated, determines what the sensor thinks is going on. A compression on the sensor means an up shift on one and a down shift on the other.