Quick Release Sissy Bar Kit 3rd run

Looks like Patrick has simply cut off the section where the EZ brackets would normally go on all 4 posts and possibly cut the KDrive bracket spacers down too. nice job @albertaduke
Looks like Patrick has simply cut off the section where the EZ brackets would normally go on all 4 posts and possibly cut the KDrive bracket spacers down too. nice job @albertaduke

exactly I wanted to keep the panniers as close as possible to the fender so i experimented with wood dowels in various length till I was as close as possible to the fender and you are right I also cut the Kdrive mounting frame brackets to bring them closer to the fender as well as shaving them at an angle to follow the shape of the fender so the QR would still snap in place without bending laterally. once mounted two turns of the bolts are enough to tighten the QR brackets ( the rear bolts are of different head size from the front and longer by approximately one inch )

I am on a 45 days road trip and I did not bring tools however tonight I will stop early somewhere in the Catskill (4PM) and try to measure the length of the bolts

I am in the middle of nowhere a place called deposit!! cannot get a measuring tape will try tomorrow

yes I used the original spacer supplied by mittzy I did this mod years ago and I do not remember exactly how but I had the same problem as you have the whole thing stuck out way to far so I used some wooden dowel and wooden spacer to see how far closer to the fender I could go without problems if you are not in a hurry when I get back home I will take apart the whole assembly and measure.. right now I am in the middle of a cross country trip from Canada ,to USA and back started june 15 and will end august 03 .I sleep in motel and live out of a suitcase and two KD bags I meet the RAA gang in spearfish in about a week then ride home so early august is when I will be back can you wait that long then I can remove .measure and take pics of the whole assembly
currently ballpark figure I would say the KD support stands about 2 inches outboard of the fenders each side on the rear , a bit less on the front ,the spacing between fender and the horizontal metal rod of the support is the minimum space needed to open and insert the plastic clamp of the bags onto the horizontal rod and that is what dictated the minimum spacing required.
Thanks for your time in explaining your mod. I have decided to return the QR brackets to Mittzy & stick with the permanently attached back rest.
Just got them in the mail, I haven't installed them, but the pieces all look Great. I've got some Easy Brackets ordered to work with these also for my Triumph Pannier saddlebags, to make them quick release also.
Received mine yesterday and installed today. Looks great, works a treat. No more getting the hands in above the rear wheel to hold those bloody nuts.
Got mine, very well made, but cost (quite a bit more!) than anticipated! The exchange rate in the UK went totally t#ts up with the Euro thing kicking off, then I had to get the mounts modified so my Ezy brackets would fit, but it's done now & I have QD sissy bar & QD panniers!
I don't know whether to saw/grind those mounts off the pannier frame to get them a bit closer to the brackets? maybe keep an eye out for another set of frames on Fleabay.