Any ideas on how to make Corbin's Beetle Bags easily removable? The Easybrackets won't work and I can't find anything out there. I have the system idea I just don't know where to get the parts. If I could find something like the hardware that Harley uses for their Roadking Classic it may work. On the bottom of the Beetle Bags is a bolt that screws into a bracket that attaches to the rear foot peg assembly. This is easily handled with just a threaded pin machined round smooth on the top and orientated so the bags just slip over it rather snug and that will stabilize the bottom of the bag. Now we just have to fix the situation with the two top attachments. By using the same system that Harley uses on their leather bags on the Roadking but reversed. Mount some threaded pins into the Rocket and use the clips that attach to the pins with a twisting action from the inside of the Beetle bags. But where to find such clips? I could suppose get some hardware from Harley and bring them to a tool maker and get them made up, We have a good local tool maker right here in Naples which is what I may do.