Quick question?


Apr 20, 2014
Addison Alabama
2014 R3R
Does anyone know of a problem with using a Dunlop d 205 f for a front? The size is 140 75r 17. A local guy has one for sale for 25$ new with a date code of 1508. Seems like it would work but wanted confirmation from the gurus.
Should work. Don't know that anyone's tried it, but for $25 not loosing much? Just check out handling before you get crazy or you could loose a lot ;)
I would look at the tire very closely being more than 7 1/2 years old especially being on the front of your bike.I like my tires as fresh as possible.Don't let money beat out safety
Thanks for the replies. I think I'll just go with a new new tire. Not always but often I like to go faster than the speed limit.
Remember those two small patches of rubber are the only thing holding you onto the road.

Two things I never cheap out on: brakes and tyres, for good reason.
Did ya ever experience a massive front tire failure at speed? I HAVE! :eek: And I wouldn't want to EVER revisit those thrilling moments. :rolleyes:

You're being 'Penny wise....800lbs foolish.'
Just as a fresher, the first two numbers are the week and the last two numbers are the year the tire was made. Several magazines have run articles about cage and bike tires' age codes and for both groups, they all reccomend never going past five years on any of them.

As for the front tire, I had the OEM mets go flat on me while riding at night in the rain on a twisty road. I slowed down due to darkness and the rain and didn't relize the tire was the cause of the wobble, I just thought it was due to road conditions. The Metz sidewalls are quite sturdy even if their tread doesn't last long.