Questions from a newbie without a manual

Basically Triumph uses the term ( Triumph off road silencers) to cover their selves from lawsuits for breaking clean air standards when the TORS are the sed

Haha nah I get you. It’s abit misleading.
As @Fingers stated they are trying to cover themselves legally.
Because the TORs are too loud for most countries to legally ride them on public roads they can’t endorse them but on the flip side they obviously saw a market for louder stock pipes so to cash in without get lawsuits about clients getting sprung with defect stickers and them turning around saying well these are Triumph pipes why wouLd they sell them to me. They call them “off rode systems” so basically put them on your bike at your own risk
I hope that wasn’t more confusing

No that makes the mud a lot clearer thanks.
TORS triumph off road system
the sticker on the tors says to be used on a closed track.
to me that means on a race track (off road) not on the street.

I do not think the slight noise increase is the reason.
The altered OEM exhaust and emissions are the requisite for the mitigating legal mumbo-jumbo . . . JMHO!
So for the back seat there is a tab at the rear of the seat which you pull?
my 07 with the triumph gel seat you need the key like they say AND you need to pull the d ring (for lack of a better explanation) left side (for the ones in the world that are not upside down)just under the seat thats barely sticking out about half way back
The TORS are as stated above but not for road use as they DO NOT have Catalytic Converters in them.
@1olbull oh really? That’s how It was explained to me at the Triumph dealer but that’s not saying much

@Mittzy ive got tors on my 2010 Roadster with the catalytic converters in the cross over
Sorry Simon you are wrong the Cats in the Roadsters are in the mufflers NOT the crossover peice, yes there is a chanber which is empty.