question for you darksiders

you must weigh a little more than me cause at 35 my Raptor handled like a tractor.
At 30 PSI it's a whole different machine.
Still takes a little bit to counter steer especially when the surface is uneven, but easily manageable.
I won't be going back either.
I can run from 32 to 40 psi on the Toyo proxes and can see little differance. I run about 38psi and see to get even wear. I have a 225/55/16 and is has also brought my speedo witnin 2 or 3 mph of correct. Withe the taller profile the floorboards are well out of harms way.

Took bike to tire shop last week and could not get Cooper on wheel. Has Atlas tire changer, took wheel to 2 other shops but were afraid to try because of damaging wheel. Plan to call Moto 400 today in Dawsonville to see if they will change for me.
moto 400 will do it.
Talk to danny or andy in the service dept.
danny is the service manager
andy works on the triumphs.
talked with Brandon today and will be at Moto 400 1 pm Thursday. Plan to be there by lunch if you could make it.