question for you darksiders

I have the orginal tire on my bike but I have only 4500 miles. Between working and healing after my bike crash last Sept I don't get to ride as much as I like.I'm thinking next year I will try the darkside and see if I like it better
deed is done

I am officially a Darksider. Cooper Zeon 2XS 225 50 R16. $156.00 installed on rim. I do have to say, I really go straight down the road. After my first ride I do notice increased input on the bars to go around curves, but I did go around them as fast as I am used to. I really did not notice that Mulberry Street was sort of high in the middle and slopes to the edge. I had to keep some input into the bars all the way down. Not to say this is a bad thing, just not used to it. I think I am going to like it once I get some miles. Plus it looks so dang cool. Also had to change the rear brake pads out at 19500 miles. I had about a 32nd of an inch left.
06 Classic R&W
Glad we have another convert. Next thing is T-shirts. On the back my shirt will say "Car tire corners fine....Now go away!" After I get asked that question I want to just turn around and walk away. I've tried making light of it and tell them that I just set my GPS and pack a chainsaw. But really it will get irritating for you too.
Lovin it

After about 400 miles on the new Cooper, I am lovin it. All the things that I didn't like about it at first, I don't even notice any more. Don't do it, stick with the Darkside Skip.
Left my r3 at shop to have same tire put on it this week. Glad you are liking yours and can't wait for mine later in the week. What tire pressure are you running. Mine is Cooper Zeon 225/55R16. Isn't that the same size as yours? Are you coming to MV?
I won't go back either. That is until Jesus or some other wiseman convinces me that Im wrong.

I'm pretty sure Jesus rides a Riken Raptor too, I'll ask him in a little while...;)


Naw, He said He flew with Eagles, so I'm assuming He meant Goodyear Eagles.
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No Worries

I have a Toyo 240/50 on my R3 and I still scrape the footboards on corners - Riding with a CT is just down to your own confidence. The only time you can 'feel' anything is in an S bend as you flick the bike over.

I run with 34PSI and I wouldn't go back to a metz for any reason.