Question about suspension. Bottoming.

They are Hagon Nitros on Atomsplitters bike .. Sorry to hear that some thieving mother****ers got your gear mate. If only they knew just who's house they were doing over .. they will go through life blissfully unaware just how lucky they are that you didn't catch'em in the act.
Just spoke to tech guru at Triumph Australia . Told me the 2012 onward Roadsters do have different shockies. The black springs are progressive springs offering a softer ride. The 'Comfort Shocks' were only ever available in the States , developed and manufactured for Triumph USA. They have never been available from the Australian or UK/EURO Dealerships. Triumph has never listed a Comfort Shock on their EPC ( electronic parts catalogue) .. so he claims.
You got the black springs ?

Yes the springs are black, if there comfort springs I don't want to try non comfort springs. If you were told right then mine would be progressive. That may be right but with my 72 kilo's flappin on the bars they don't get much of a work out.

Was burgled last night and the Fu*ks stole my **** panniers, easy brackets and all my Gerbing crap and otherand cold weather gear. Hope I can replace before kicks up on the 12th.


Jeez that sucks. I bought some easy brackets a while ago but don't think I'll use them (they don't look like they're ideal for my leather bags). I'd be happy to send them to you mate. PM me your address if you can use them and I'll drop them in the post.
I new mine couldn't be "comfort shocks"

Well I'm hoping they're better than the ones on my Standard. Ponters has very kindly sent me his old ones - or should I say brand new original unused ones off his Roadster. They have to be better than mine with 50,000km on the at the very least but hopefully there's a noticeable difference in set up as well.

I really hate to hear that!
TC, Mully,
You say those are Hagon Nitros on atomsplitter's ride! Awesome - I like the look and if they perform as everybody says, I'll be chortling in my joy when mine show up.

Nobody in my family was hurt and I lost no guns. That's the good part. I am installing a complete infra-red HD 16 channel camera system with motion detectors. They even got one of my welders and my leather colors - I'll catch some $hit over that - the pukes.

I have lived here 35 years and in the past 24 hours have met a dozen of my neighbors for the first time who have also been hit. They all see my $1000 reward sign out in the yard and have to stop for a chat. From what others say the puke(s) seems to like lawn equipment, so when we get all the cameras in place, I will tie my SPOT GPS locator to the inside of the grass bag, put some cut grass in it and leave my nice Honda mower out in the middle of my next door lot as if it got dark or ran outta gas half way through the job and was left to finish the next day. When the puke(s) go for the bait I'll have it on camera and follow them to an "appropriate" location where me and my German friends, Heckler & Koch shall attempt a recovery.
This could be fun. fun, fun . . .

I Still have my Roadster springs too, Chalk and cheese compred to the Hagon Nitros...