Pulled the trigger on R3 Storm GT yesterday...Not too impressed with dealer about options to add.

I have Barkbusters on my adventure bike and have typically replaced the factory ones on various bikes I've owned in the past 10 years. I learnt from a Vstrom that fell over all by itself on my driveway ( I suspect combination of vibrations and the stamped pattern concrete) , I digress....Anyway the factory handguards did sweet FA in protecting the bike. I kid you not - that drop was a $4000 repair for the insurance co. I was going to wear the cost if it was under $1000. (I do have a copy of it kicking around somewhere) Anyway, that resulted in buying Barkbusters ever since and they have proven their worth several times. In saying that I don't really feel the R3 suits the look in my opinion, but i hear you about debris being thrown up by trucks etc.
100% agree with everything you said about barkbusters. On my 89' TransAlp they have been life savers. The Rocket is an odd creature in looks and performance. It's a hyper cruiser that looks retro and futuristic at the same time.

I bought mine after a lifetime of Superbikes, hyperlinks, road racing and other fun things as a retirement present of old-school fun. I don't need to go likeybhair is on fire, but I appreciate pure performance. The guards are that meh type mod, but one that works if that's what you want.

Still doing things to change bikes is half the funny making them uniquely ours isn't it?
...ive used these exact brackets too....they work well..
Congratulations - I'm sure you will enjoy. Not so sure about comfort for two up riding though.