Public roads arnt race tracks

Let's face it, if you like to do a little"low flying", you'd be well advised to choose your opportunities wisely, making sure to have appropriate site distance, familiarity with the road you're on and it's condition(s), ensuring that your steed is in proper condition- especially its tires and knowing that shyte can happen at any time! The Unseen, The Unknown and The Unforecastable, what I call "The Unholy Trinity", are constantly lurking, just waiting to bite the inattentive rider in the azz whenever provided the chance to do so.

Smart riders know that it's not so much about how fast you can go, but more importantly, how fast you can stop or maneuver to avoid becoming a statistic!;)
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I break the speed limit buy a bunch, EVERY time I get on the Rocket, or my 2004 Kaw 1200ZRX, but I don't do the crazy chit that guy was doing. No death wish here, "yet".

I loved that Kawasaki zrx1200r, my friend had a 2005 one, it was a fun bike to ride, I would have bought his if he did not butcher it with custom air-brush paint jobs. In my opinion, the zrx is probably the best Japanese standard bike ever produced, far better than honda CB1100. I have been waiting for the EFI version (ZRX1200 daeg) to show up here in North America, but no. They'd like to focus on selling more ninjas. o_O
I loved that Kawasaki zrx1200r, my friend had a 2005 one, it was a fun bike to ride, I would have bought his if he did not butcher it with custom air-brush paint jobs. In my opinion, the zrx is probably the best Japanese standard bike ever produced, far better than honda CB1100. I have been waiting for the EFI version (ZRX1200 daeg) to show up here in North America, but no. They'd like to focus on selling more ninjas. o_O
They are a "rocket" in their own right. Around 130hp and only about 400 lbs! It's a real blast to get on it, after a few days of riding the Rocket. I tell people the Rocket is my Cadalic, and the ZRX is my Miata!
They are a "rocket" in their own right. Around 130hp and only about 400 lbs! It's a real blast to get on it, after a few days of riding the Rocket. I tell people the Rocket is my Cadalic, and the ZRX is my Miata!
I had a ZRX and its a nice bike actually weighs about 550 lbs full of fuel and a 120 claimed HP
Just an observation here...I've ridden with some of you as recently as last June and I seem to remember more than one exceeding the posted speed around the rim of Black Canyon. Should I publicly flog you guys on here for racing on a public roadway? Cuz have no doubt...while we may not have been setting any lands speed records, we were well in excess of the posted speed...a few times more than double. :whitstling::whitstling:
Who me? Never!!! ;)
I wouldn't split lanes either... :roll: