Public roads arnt race tracks

Jeez some of you blokes are harsh. A fellow rider comes to grief - admittedly of his own doing - and all you can do is abuse him. Best fun I've had on my Rocket was riding way too fast on a public road in Tasmania. Sure I wasn't lane splitting or spending (much) time on the wrong side of the road, and I don't ride like that in traffic, but I like to like to think that if I'd come off I'd have got some sympathy. I can't actually make out why he crashed. Most likely speed but it could have been sand on the road or a blow out for all we know. I doubt he posted the video to brag; more likely to highlight his stupidity as a lesson to others. Credit for that.
1st video rider low sided because of decreasing radius and he ran out of lean angle, pretty simple mistake.

2nd video, similar, but simply blew the turn and ran wide.

Both cases are crashes that should not have happened but the riders both carried to much entry speed and suffered the same low-side fate. Usually these happen because the rider doesn't know the road, it's a new bike, or they haven't ridden for awhile and have not relearned their limits.

Lets be real, sport bikes are designed to corner fast, brake fast, accelerate fast, and they are ridden in such a manner. The vast majority of sport bikers I have ridden with ride similar to these guys (maybe not quite as douchey), and the ones who don't are usually new riders.
The locals in our area run on an isolated air strip that used to be a Raceway and Dragstrip and is not a public road
Just an observation here...I've ridden with some of you as recently as last June and I seem to remember more than one exceeding the posted speed around the rim of Black Canyon. Should I publicly flog you guys on here for racing on a public roadway? Cuz have no doubt...while we may not have been setting any lands speed records, we were well in excess of the posted speed...a few times more than double. :whitstling::whitstling: