Propane Conversion

Hi CrzystghndKC,
I like your handle. I should use CrazyX.
Me thinks of redoing the exhaust to an earlier R3 config so there's a double muffler (or one big? or a tripple?) on engine header side, and same config on gear shifter side, except they'd house a series of smaller propane tanks as you suggest. These "muffler's" would go to asimilar looking header but feed main propane tank.

Hi Jagster,
Think I didn't reply to your last paragraph. In my province, Québec, the SAAQ, the French accronym for the drivers' and licence plating bureau (licence plates are more expensive here as they include minimum car insurance) are governed by law that includes a process for semi-, and fully custom vehicles. Whether it's a home built trailer, bike customization or a Frankenstein car (complete rebuild from recycled parts). There's a process. But only for one-of's = special approval, where you pay a government engineer for a full review of work, a certified mechanic app'd by gov for detailed inspection of all parts aswell as road testing. This, likely similar in other places.
Not all mods or work will be covered by all insurance companies and some may be expensive or not insurable.
This is in sharp contrast for type certification for series production of a bew vehicle, not the subject here.
Having said all that, goverments in Europe, the US and Canada, likely many other countries, have accepted compressed hydrogen to a level of 700 bars of pressure in fuel tanks stored under family cars, as discussed in another post. Hydrogen is one of the fuels with the highest flame propagation speeds and very explosive, yet very low energy density at atmospheric pressure. Gasoline/petrol if explodes is a liquid that will wet your skin while burning. A gas like butane, propane and methane will not wet your skin and won't spill at your feet staying to burn. Both carbon fiber and kevlar are stronger than steel.
Contrary to a gasoline/petrol tank a propane tank does not need an air vent to drain and feed engine. So in the fire triangle: air/fuel/ignition a propane tank has just fuel, a gasoline/petrol tank has air, so the propane tank is less explosive.

Now, you know you're riding a Rocket with a 2.3 or 2.5L engine just a few inches below your family joules and no chassis? Like me.
Just saying. Hopefully my verbal diarrhea has reassured you not put you off.
Thanks for these checks and balances
Hi Xian,
Happy New Year to you!
Thanks for the info/explanation about the rules etc.. It's been an education.
I'm still not convinced about the idea about something of this nature on a bike, but like you have suggested earlier, it might be due to my lack of practical knowledge on this kind of conversion.
I'm still following out of interest, but i'll keep my voice down and let you crack-on with your endeavour.
Who knows, you might convert me in the end .
Hi Jagster
Happy 2023 to you too.
Was bed ridden last few days with a flu. Got me thinking about time and energy, and choosing. Think I'll focus on an antitheft device first. Propane's not useful if someone else has your bike.

