Propane Conversion

I'm thinking one of these...

Oh man ... you beat me to it. Buggers !
What year Rocket do you have?
Any pics?
Sadly it's just a stock 2015 R3R black with 2 red g-strng lines along fenders and tank. Once I've got something interesting done I promise I'll post.
WJB do you know what kind of effort it is to remove red lines and repaint to say a royal blue? The stock red lines would be replaced with two same width copper strips, with some kind of fine gold trim colour overlay. With appropriate clear coat count. So what has to be taken appart to repaint? Maybe there's already another forum or thread on topic?

What shape, size, volume are these kevlar fuel tanks? Are they the shape of a conventional pressure vessel, or are they more freeform in shape?
Here's Toyota's latest pass at an H2 tank rated at about 700 bars, from
Toyota awards Toyoda Gosei for composite hydrogen tank development
But the one I know of is more shaped like a fat sausage, same pressure rating of about 600-700 bars. FAQ Guide - Hydrogen Tank (types, characteristics, design) | HYFINDR.COM
and a final detail from RisingSunRoto Case Sharing-Hydrogen storage tank-Rising Sun Rotomolding Machinery attached images.
But H2 is in another league at vastly higher pressures than would be used by propane. The purpose of their mention was to simply let know that the choice of materials allows much higher pressures, and even just propane in the shape of a motorcycle tank is not a concern.

Now at this stage, a preliminary feasability, or concept study, I'm satisfied with what I've proposed: a light fibre (carbon?) skeleton, under tension, to provide the original R3R tank shape, with kevlar jacket for containment, rated for about 20 bars of pressure.

Could everyoneinterested in this project please read myupdated answer to Jagster's previous question? This apparently crazy project is actually a very serious project on a product development roadmap, with structure, science and engineering, but a "sleeper", a crazy sleeper. With cleaner environment in mind from a POLLUTION point of view, i.e. not related to carbon emissions but manufacturing emmissions and other polluting fuel emmissions, with a life cycle view, including all materials, metals and rare earth metals that may but often aren't recyclable. CO2 emmissions can be recycled into plants, not lithium, cobalt, and a long lis ofnaterials and new materials used in so called "cleaner electric" vehicles. Global pollution is a much, much longer term problem than global climate change which is only in the 3-5 centuties range, versus millenia. Hopefully this helps clarify the deep positive environmental objective of projects like this one.




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As I think I implied earlier, this particular subject is slightly over my head when it comes down to the technical details, but my design head can't quite drop the subject and shut my mouth and just be an audience member within this thread.
Aside from my concerns about the practical safety aspects for such a 'home-made' product/project using pressurized gas together with gasoline on a single-tracked vehicle along with all the associated vulnerabilities, my next area of questioning (devils advocate questioning) is the packaging implications (i.e. size, shape, volume).

What volume is required to house the amount of propane needed to achieve the range required?
I'm not familiar with the cross sectional profile of the 'older' model Rocket 111, but i've seen a section through the latest model fuel tank and there is far less available volume inside it than is apparent from it's overall appearance when fully fitted on the bike.
I'm guessing that the older model has a similar 'weakness' in this way.....and.....with the tank being even higher than on the latest model, it's going to be one hell of an interesting looking tank if you need a larger vessel volume for propane + gasoline.
Hello again Jagster,
Yes afain you bring a good point to the table. Like airplanes with multiple fuel tanks, I was planning to fit other smaller tanks, maybe a small one on a rack behind passenger, but, as you pointes out this would raise again center of gravity (cg), somewhat compensated by a lighter composite materials main fuel tank. The other was to but two more "silencer/muffler" tanks, resembling the tail pipes on right side, which would contribute to lowering the cg.
What do you think?

Now in this conversion to propane of a 2015 R3R I'd like to move on to an aspect that may be more challenging: fitting the other peopane fuel components to the 2015 R3R's engine.
Has anyone converted yheir own car from gasoline=petrol to propane?


2 lb Propane tanks are easy to refill from a larger tank once you work out the fuel switch just get several of those. One will probably be enough for your commute to work each day and refill a weeks worth on the weekend. Plus you can run your BBQ with them.
At some point in time, people laughed at the idea of flying, look at us now,, All great inventions started with a crazy idea, or an accident,,,, Go for it!!!
i had a friend install propane on a 55 chev pu
when he got it perfect they raised the price of propane.
Hi Turbo200R4
Well in my parts propane's about
0.75$cd /L and very stable and gasoline/petrol swings up and down around 1.75$cdn/L (but mostly above). That's why it's easy to amotize a 6k$cdn conversion on a car in 15-18 months to payback depending on km you drive.
Now financials on a project under discussion are a totally different ball of wax, to build a first proto yhen a pilot, then...
But it's more about burning cleaner than short tern financials or historical costs.