Project Bomberbike

Because they are unrideable .. we seem to be in the age of 'bikes are art' and it sucks :cool:
That is the big debate at the International bike show two years ago in DC. The bike that won it did not have an ignition. The college kid that won second place rode his self designed-self built bike to the show. The second place bike was a true one-of-a-kind bike. It did have an S&S engine and transmission, but almost every other part was made by this young fellow. It was odd but beautiful and it ran.
I'm with you when it comes to bikes that look cool but can't be ridden, they are not complete...
Don't reckon that the front wheel drive setup is going to help matters either.
radial engines are supposed to have a propeller in front of the nose gearing case and nothing behind where all accesories are mounted I guess it makes the design of mounting a rear drive rather difficult

radial engines are supposed to have a propeller in front of the nose gearing case and nothing behind where all accesories are mounted I guess it makes the design of mounting a rear drive rather difficult

Hadn't thought of that (duh). Oh well, at least there is one bike on the planet that smokes worse on startup than my old HD does.:thumbsup:
There's been plenty of that style bike made but I've never seen one actually moving. Here's a different and probably more feasible take on the idea (with an even less attractive blonde, which sort of proves it).

There's been plenty of that style bike made but I've never seen one actually moving. Here's a different and probably more feasible take on the idea (with an even less attractive blonde, which sort of proves it).


That one looks a runner. Should have massive torque as airplane engines are tuned for low rpm to keep the prop speed reasonable without having to use a gear reduction (which some of them do).
There's been plenty of that style bike made but I've never seen one actually moving. Here's a different and probably more feasible take on the idea (with an even less attractive blonde, which sort of proves it).

there are 4 cylinder on this one that are not going to last very long yep you guessed it all those in the rear and they will give you that baking temperature right where your gonads are suspended