problems in right handers

If you have engine guards, some owners have reported that the frame has fallen out of alignment when they were installed.

Do the handlebars turn freely to the right or left when standing still? If there is any resistance or a "click" feeling, then you may be looking at worn head bearings. A few have reported that the head bearings were found to be loose but no one that I'm aware of has reported excess wear.

Those are two things that come to mind.
I have an 05 standard, and like Billy, haven't noticed a problem.

Mine needs more than average countersteer, but I'm running a car tyre on the back, so you'd expect that.
The first time I took my '05 through a fast sweeper I noticed that it took a little more effort than my old Sprint.....

in all seriousness though, I have not noticed any problems
welcome aboard and now that you've opened the door you'll find we're all pretty much full it it with the occassional tidbit of useful information thrown in, just to throw ya off.
As you're going into that right hand curve, push out on the handlebar on that side. sounds weird, but try it, it works. Hope this helps.
I'm assuming you've checked the rear shock preload adjustment? If they look the same, I'd adjust them to the lowest setting and check the right lean again, if the problem is remedied, gradually adjust them up to where they should be for your bikes load (RTFM).

Both front forks are aligned properly in the clamps?

Leaking fork seal?

What's the dive like when braking? If it's extreme, maybe you have a bad spring in there.

Wheel alignment front and rear?

Everything balanced?

Wheel bearing?

Does it shudder at all?

If you ride down a smooth road in a straight line and take your hands off the bars, does it lean to one side or start to veer off in one direction?

With your hands off the bars and at a good speed, say 50MPH, slap the end of the bars. What happens?

(don't crash)
great thread, agree completely with all the advice.
Just for fun, be SURE you are sitting in the center of the seat, and you need to roll up a bit on the hip into the corner. If that doesn't fix it then I would look at all the above list.
I have had the front end out after I re-installed the highway bars a little carelessly. My vote is for that (with or without the bars). The engine is part of the frame and hangs on one big bolt at the front. Jack the bike up by the engine on a level floor and get the bike as level as you can. Then eyeball it from the front while someone turns the forks slowly left and right. If it is way out, it will be evident and all you need to to is loosen it, and let it line up before you re-tighten the bolt.
Good luck.
I always felt it was a rocket idiosyncracy, spoke of it many times to me mates. Just before I sold it I put new tyres front and back, bingo different bike. So maybe front tyre, but I suggest you beleive your own senses , take it to dealer and insist on their full attention. Above all its safety issue that I reckon a dealer should be givintg clear advice on.
dixonsensei said:
thanks for all the advice, have tried different tyre pressures on the front , didnt seem to make much difference.
will try to jack the bike up but i'm worried about the weight of the bike on the sump,any ideas?

Check the lifting the Rocket threads.