Problem with the Touring model

Like others, I had less confident performance with the stock tires on my '14 R3T. Both Bridgestone's and Avon's felt better; however, my preference are the Avon's. Once you change out your tires let us know how it goes. ...and WELCOME! from Northwest Louisiana
I welcome you to our forum and understand your slide problem. I own a 2008 Touring Model and also a 2015 Touring Model. The 08 has been mine for 60,000 miles. I’ve tried different tires and sizes. The key to tires on our bikes are the newer tires are composite. Harder long lasting center, and softer, better gripping sides. This gives the rider great mileage on the straight rides and much more grip in the corners. My choices are Michelin, Avon, and Elite 3’s or Elite4’s. My 2015 has the original Metzler tires. I only have 4,500 miles on this bike. Terrible handling with the front ” sliding “ on every curve and hill. I’m changing to modern tires this off season.
This reminds me of a very close call a few months ago on my '08 Touring, non ABS. After seeing I was fast approaching the back end of cars stopped where the I805 merges with the I15 North on a 4 lane freeway I locked up the rear end and it swung around almost completely to a right angle to my front end. After letting go of the brakes the back end swung back to where it belonged and I managed to steer around the BMW in front of me a split second before I slammed into his trunk. My front Bridgestone was like new but my rear Bridgestone was overdue for replacement. Now with a new Bridgestone on the rear I have been in similar situations and can now slow down much quicker and in control well before getting into a very scary lock up slide. I have never had the pleasure of ABS on any of my bikes over the years but recommend it. I'd like to think it has been my incredible riding skills that have saved me from disaster over the 50 years I have been riding but fact is it has probably just been dumb ass luck.
Hes long gone Chip, exedra max up front, oem size, needed for the weight. Cobra, exedra max, perelli night dragon, all these radials have great weight ratings. We need that rating to hold these beast steady when asking for max whether by accident or choice. Hope to be up there soon this fall to ride with the MI. crew. @Rocket Scientist @Sparky59.
Sounds like some fall riding. Great. I can’t wait to see the new version of the Widowmaker. i have all I can take withe the simple stuff. Ramair and the shocks impress my terribly average riding! Stay in touch and let me know plans.
I can relate. My 08 seems to be my choice of cycles. Mainly because I have set it up for my riding enjoyment. The 15 is stock with Ramair and a fancy throttle lock. I have had experience with poor braking. Riding too fast, stopped traffic means for rear lock up and sliding both straight and sidways. Scares the hell out of me, and I promise myself to pay better attention! The 15 is more user friendly. ABS keeps the wheels moving and stopping true. I guess it’s time to set up the 2015…
On my R3T I have trouble with unexpected braking as I don't always get my foot positioned the same in floorboard so don't get same braking response. When I'm prepared rear braking is predictable, stopping for the suicideal deer is scary trying to keep rear wheel in the rear.

Not sure more practice will help as can set my heel repeatably.
After too many close calls with my 06, I sold it. Maybe there is an ABS Rocket in my future still. I just feel that the non ABS versions are under braked for the weight of the bike and two people and my riding skills. The rear brake locks up too easily and I’ve locked the front up a few times and once that caused me to go down face first.