Probably the 1000th "I need a louder horn thread"


Standard Bore
Jun 12, 2024
Las Vegas, NV
2016 Rocket III
2016 Rocket III Roadster.
Live in Las Vegas - where no one knows how to drive and no one watches out for bikes. Did a charity poker run today, got cut off on the freeway 3x today alone from idiot cagers in the middle lane or the far right swinging wide and fast into the far left to get into the HOV lane. Nearly got wiped out 2 of the 3 times.

The factory horn is pathetic. It's less than useful. I think I yell louder from inside my helmet than the horn is.

I've seen dozens of 150-600Db (claimed) horns on Amazon and eBay from $19.95 to over $300. Some with air compressors, some that don't need them. But I've not yet found a single one that doesn't have bad reviews from at least 1/4th of the buyers.

What I'm looking for is a train/truck horn that won't break the bank, is louder than a standard "car" horn, and doesn't need an aircompressor to run it. I'd also like one where someone has actually put a sound meter to it and verified the Db level of the horn so I know that what I'm getting is what is advertised.

Anyone here that has bought, installed, and used a louder horn, please let me know the name, the link to buy it and your honest review of the horn. I can wire things up - that's not an issue, and if --necessary-- I can fab a mount for it.
I have been running a Steble Nautilus for about 10 years now, even mounted horizontally. It works and can heard. I mounted it in stock R3T spot. You can also split the horn and mount the compressor behind your side panel and the horn in the stock position. Do a search, there is ton of ideas and how to do it.

I really like the Screaming Banshee:

132dB is a realistic number - although probably measured a bit closer than the 1 meter usually used in pro audio specs. As sound, like any other radiation in a free field, dissipates according to the inverse square law if a horn measures 132 at one meter, it will measure 135 at .5 meters and 129 at 2 meters.

Also, the decibel scale is logarithmic so claims of 600 dB are complete and utter hogwash. If your transducer outputs 100 dB at 1 watt / 1 meter, it requires doubling the power input, or the number of transducers to increase by 3 dB. 3dB is considered to be the minimum amount of change that the average person can perceive (a musician, audio engineer, or acoustician can often perceive changes as little as 1 dB, but that's from years of experience). 6-10 dB is what is considered to be "twice as loud".

Once you understand that the decibel scale is logarithmic, you can see that a claim of 600dB - even measured at microscopic distances - would be equivalent to the output of a main sequence star. For those that don't understand a logarithmic scale, you can enroll in my one month master class. Tuition starts at only 1 penny for the first day, 2 pennies for the second day etc. for the one month term.

Back to the Screaming Banshee, it mounts perfectly under one of the side covers and, although that does muffle it a bit, it's still plenty loud to snap a cager awake. It has it's own relay and is wired directly to the battery. It gets its activation from the existing horn wires, which you can leave in place if you want, and the whole thing can go back to stock even quicker than it's installed, which can be done in a leisurely half hour.
Agreed, Stebel Nautilus Compact airhorn is the way to go, I've fitted loads of them for people - it fits neatly inside the LH side panel, complete with it's own relay. I just extend the stock horn wiring down to it (with male spade connectors) and off you go !

It's just the job to wake up (UK terminology) "coffin dodgers" as well as members of the "middle lane owners club"
Horns dont matter to people, unless youre trying to get your buddies attention at the gas station. Throttle is the best loudest safety device on a rocket. And it doesn’t make you go faster, it should be removed
Horns dont matter to people, unless youre trying to get your buddies attention at the gas station. Throttle is the best loudest safety device on a rocket. And it doesn’t make you go faster, it should be removed
this 100%, they are completely worthless in ever way that matters. become a good rider and toss the horn.