Price for next gen Rocket

Won't be long and there will be cats on push lawnmowers. So ridiculous. And cats on cows asses too!

I wonder how they will be able to place cats on the numerous volcanoes around the globe. One good volcanic eruption places more crap in the atmosphere than one heck of a lot of motorcycles, cars, buses, trucks, etc etc etc.....
Correction . They want us to travel in driverless electric cars like drones , to work for the man and collect our taxes whilst we fritter away the rest of our hard earned money on next day delivery internet sites and online gambling . Then to supplement our overspending with payday loans with exuberant interest rates . All the while charging more and more for significantly less and actively encouraging us to saddle ourselves with even more debt and buy new R3s for 24 grand . Let the homeless sleep on the streets , it's obviously where they belong and let the third world country's starve , when it only costs £2 per month to feed them , they obviously bought that upon themselves also . **** your neighbour , look after only yourself as consumerism and capitalism rule ! ! Am I ranting ? Oh and don't fly on 737s, they ain't safe , which brings us right back to driverless cars !
If I was king , I would make all fellas who waxed their mastauches into curly little ends , work in the treacle mines . Oh , and I would ban Scottish !

You forgot to add that from 2022 all new cars to be fitted with speed limiting devices so that it will not be possible to go any faster. If you do the ECU will cut power to the engine to comply either via a camera reading road signs or the compulsory satnav. No doubt it will be linked to your insurance policy. I suppose the good news is there will be no more speed camera


Not so loud. Someone might be listening.....
I think The Rocket should be the cruiser 2800 cc
And the TFC should be the 2500cc sports version.
I think in my like time the Triumph Rocket will be a 3000 cc
It might be that way but 2300cc can make big power.