Hoping for the best but have come to the conclusion May be wishful thinking. It don't matter. Not going to pay $30,000 plus. Been kicking and thinking about buying a 2018 Roadster and fixing her up a bit. Of course since I'll have to knock off a bank or two to get the money due to my Piss poor job and pay it may take me a bit. Have been reading up a bit on the proper way to rob a bank. Hopefully it will all work out.
Well wife just left out for a Indian Casino with her 90 year old friend. Maybe if they get lucky can get the bike with out robbing a bank. That would be nice.
Here the e-mail that Triumph Spain sent me:”Hi Luis,
Many thanks for write to Triumph.
The information you received from our dealer in Portugal is true, the brand new Rocket TFC it’s sold out.
In fact the number of request for this bike in the world far exceeds these 750 units, and this TFC version we will no longer manufacturing more units.