Weel, that ws just too close.
Approx a month ago in my neighborhood. Steep steep narrow downhill road. Not going fast, maybe 40 kmh (
http://lmgtfy.com/?q=40 kmh in mph). And in a blind corner I meet a car going at more or less the same speed. I slam on the brakes, release em and dodge right. The car turns right too. I feel the car grazing past my hip and leg, nice breeze and then I slam the cars rear left quarter with my left footpeg. Feel the peg bend over my foot and just break off.
Somehow I manage to stay on the road and on the wheels Come to a stop. Nothing's hurting, no scratches on me, the bike and I are upright. Get off the bike to inspect it. The ONLY thing that broke was the footpeg, not the gear shifter, not the handlebar, not the pipes, NOTHING. Just the footpeg. Cannot believe it. Turn my attention to the car.
Nice scratch on his red Porsche