Pre 2010 rockets

When I get back down to Florida in a few weeks, I'll sell you my 2010 R3T with Carpenter 240 hp kit, Robinson transmission, Pretech 6 pot brakes, etc, for 9000.
Thank you, its a beautiful bike and I think would be a great addition to the collection, just a bit put off by comments on the older models and don't know if it's worth what is being asked for it, there is a 2011 with 43k for around €8k in the UK whi h maybe a better buy but it doesn't look anywhere near as nice so I think a decision has to be made taking in what everyone has said, should be an easy choice really but I'm torn, 2005 with 27k for €7k and a real stunner or 2011 with 43k for €8k but looks a bit dull. Think ill go look at the 2005 and then make a choice, thanks again
Think ill go look at the 2005 and then make a choice, thanks again
For what it is worth : when questioning a Triumph dealer about know issues some time ago (4/5 years ago) he said "do not buy the silver block version" Assuming that he knew more about problems/issues as he was a Triumph dealer i followed his advice.
The mileage between the two is pretty much irrelevant. Mine had 135,000 miles on when I sold it. With 27k miles the main thing I would check is that it doesn't jump out of 2nd gear on hard acceleration.
2005 with 27k and €7k
one of my Rockets is 2005 with over 80000 trouble-free miles(apart from the ignition switch) it has been sitting in my garage for about the last three years and I had it up and running within 30min, but 7000 no way in hell could you sell it for that price over here in the states.
Rockets used to be reasonably priced before, but recently this is all different. Prices are up and looks like even climbing, if the bike is kept unmolested and with good accessories. Mine is 2009 RIII pimped beyond sanity and well maintained and I was offered 10.000 Euros in the beginning of the year by a guy who never saw it, just was told by a friend what it is. But mine is not for sale. Actually picking up my 2012 Touring ABS on Sunday.. listings of pre 2010 Rockets

Or VMAX - got mine two years ago @ 12.000 Euros. Now there are 7 for sale at all listed 16.000 euros up.

Times are changing - these big bikes already are relicts. And pretty impressive piece of industrial design and engineering in most cases.