Fast shipping from these guys to Texas. Looks like a good product hope to have it mounted today. Anyone offer tips and advice on installation mucho appreciated.
I have the Powerbronze midsize clear screen and so far to me anyway is the best looking and functional out there. It is sufficient but not great. I like the way it blends in with my GT. The one you are looking at installing should be much better for wind protection. I can't say I dig the double decker looks but that's just me. You picked a good product and hopefully it does the job. Keep us informed. Also, DO NOT overtighten the screws. Add a little torque after your ride if the windshield 'bounces' too much at speed until satisfied. If you tighten too much too soon it will crack the shield. Just based on other riders and my observations. I have had it about 18 months or so and so far so good.
I have the light screen (320mm) in black and i like the look. However after the first ride i went to the hardware store and bought 1/8 inch spacers for the upper mounts. Now instead of the air chopping me in the throat, it hits the upper helmet.
I like that they provide two different heights of screens on the Powerblade. I went with the taller shield and leaned it back. I've seen most use the short one, but I can still see over the taller one.
Yikes, ok. Well today the new shield starts vibrating. I look down and both bolts on the right bracket are gone. Put some Nylock nuts on stainless bolts to see if that lasts longer. Left bolts are still factory. Everything was loose on all of the fasteners. I'm not sure there won't be future issues. May Loctite everything down...
Went well on another eighty miles this morning with no problems. Funny how it forces my beard full forward, stands out at 90 degrees. Definitely keep an eye on the fasteners.
You certainly need to 'Goldilocks' the nuts as they will either loosen or be too tight and crack your windshield. I have had my Powerbronze shield for over a year and I check it ever so gently before a ride. I do get nervous sometimes as when traffic is very light I exceed the California posted maximum speed limit of 65 mph slightly. The shield lays down at higher speeds and I do get a little nervous. The top of the shield is bent downwards at higher speeds and is directly in line with my neck. I'm not too handsome anymore but I am fond of my face.
The nylon spacers between the cowl and first shield failed. Overtightened just enough to keep it from vibrating loose and they crushed and split.
Gonna try some brass spacers made from .45 Auto cases with 40 S&W cases slipped inside. Trimmed down both to get right spacing and drilled out the primer pockets to .25".
That was an easy morning task. Low on gas again. Imagine that.
All is well again.
Power on.