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Resource Download Power-Tripp-2013-ECU-Retune-R3T stock or slip-on.hex 2024-12-10

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Living Legend
Jun 28, 2012
Triumph Rocket III Touring 2010
cr0ft submitted a new resource:

Power-Tripp-2013-ECU-Retune-R3T stock or slip-on.hex - The tune by Power-Tripp, listed in the pinned "Derestricting" thread in the R3T forum

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cr0ft submitted a new resource:

Power-Tripp-2013-ECU-Retune-R3T stock or slip-on.hex - The tune by Power-Tripp, listed in the pinned "Derestricting" thread in the R3T forum

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This subject was so confounding for me. I read that whole Derestricting thread and the parts with references to tunes and their names or serial numbers I re-read over and over again. I don't think all the tunes referenced were the same tune.

I do think Power-Tripp's tune had several different file names. I also think the tune I got from Tune ECU's website was Power-Tripp's original, but I've never been 100% sure. I do know the bike (2011 Touring) runs great and is faster now.

On the TuneECU website the file name I downloaded was R3T_stock_or_slip-on.hex which is a little different from yours.
Also, oddly mine was 295 kb, and yours I see is 232 kb.

Let me ask you this: If you install yours on your bike's ECU, and then hook TuneECU software up to it and let it read and upload, when it's finished does it show as a serial number?
Mine did (the one off the TuneECU website, which was identical to one that Starmanaut sent me), and the number was 20368.

How about you?