popping on decelleration

So.. the verdict is that if the tune is to lean or to rich it will pop on decel?

So therefore the tune has to be just perfect...correct? I mean what is left but that?

I don't have any experience that says a too rich condition will pop on decel, but I know for a fact I got bad decel pop when I was running too lean
Mine used to pop on decel when i had the Triumph Tors and tune in .
Put a tune ecu tune in and it still did it. I cant pin point exactly what cured mine as i got rid of the entire triumph system and put on custom headers and staintune pipes and collector added a power comander v and had her dynoed and she has never popped since.
I would imagine the power commander v and custom dyno tune was what did the trick.

As Richard already stated you have the Dobeck option "which i know nothing about"
or the powercommander V you can either have your bike mapped on the dyno with this unit or you can add a rather Genious little device to it called the Autotune which will follow whatever air fuel ratio you put into it and tune your bike while you ride via a wide band sensor pluged into your exhaust where the factory 02 sensor used to be.
If you go this route Talk to Hanso as he has a great map you can put into your Pcv as a great starting point and then u can let the Auto tune do the rest.

Also if you go this way the dynojet site will suggest that the powercommander 5 is for 2009 bikes and newer and try to direct you to power commander III . Ignore this as i think its just there way of offloading old stock the power commander 5 is fine for older bikes.:cool: good luck mate
It is caused by lean condition at zero throttle openings. This can be corrected with tuneboy, tunecu, pc etc. Make note of the rpm ranges it is occurring at and add fuel.

Here is a thread on it.

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