popping on decelleration


.020 Over
Mar 21, 2012
central alabama
ok guys be gentle,another newby question.just started noticing a popping from the exhaust on decelleration thet i haven't noticed before.since i am the second owner of this 2006 classic im not sure what or if anything has been modified as far as computer program so i assumed it was a triumph factory setup.
i searched and from what i found i tend to think it could be from the factory tune that is making a lean fuel mixture but again im not sure and would appreciate any pertinent advice.
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ok after reading from the post in the archives found that i can invest in pc111 or tuneboy plus a dyno run and might or might not cure the problem.since this has just started gonna blame it on the hot weather and learn to live with the slightly lean condition.bike runs great otherwise and after reading sometimes the fix is a constant tinkering which takes the fun out of riding.
appreciate all the previous post and all the experience you guys have and have shared,i found that this is just one of the natures of the beast,
oh and another important feature is that if i just apply more throttle my potato bike friends will be far enough back it shouldn't be an issue for them.
As you've already found out - popping on decel is a common issue with the Rocket and one that is not necessarily going away. I just switched to Jardine exhaust from TORS and had the Rocket dyno'd. Issue has now been resolved for me.
i have TORS and pc5, gipro/atre and dyno tuned. i have flames coming out the exhaust on high rev decel. tuner said he couldnt tune it out.
its annoying as hell and i think its gonna blow the muffler out.lol
You don't have to live with it. Mine was popping like mad after I changed exhaust and intake (mainly just TORs and triples) so I got a Dobeck from Flipmeisters and have never had a problem since. It depends on what you want to do. You can get Tuneboy or Tune ECU and buy a PCIII or V and get your bike set up on a dyno, but I wasn't interested in that route. The Dobeck adjusts the air/fuel mix and once you have it right you can forget about it. I didn't do anything else to the bike; no fiddling with the stock (TORS) tune or playing with maps or tables and risking f*cking it up completely.
What color is the inside of your pipes? Popping on decel could be a symptom of running too lean. When I bought my '07 Standard, I had the stealers hip put Jardine exhaust on it. It popped like hell on decel and the inside of the pipes was closer to gray than black. Bought a Tuneboy on a group buy and put a custom tune in (thanks Pig9r) and voila! - no more decel pop and pipes are nice and black inside now.
Having said all that, if it's a problem that just started, try looking for any exhaust system leaks...
So.. the verdict is that if the tune is to lean or to rich it will pop on decel?

So therefore the tune has to be just perfect...correct? I mean what is left but that?
I have a 2011 Roadster, the only change from stock is the complete Stain Tune Exhaust system, to get rid of the low speed decel popping which I am sure was there with the stock exhaust but not as pronounced I ran on the 20355 tune ECU. This tune seems to work well on the highway and in town, the economy has not changed but I am a slow old rider.
Wayne Tripp sent me a tune for my set up but I have not run it on yet.