Ponters RIIIR could be yours

I don't think I'll bother. I don't think I would have had my Rocket over 160kph in the 4 years I've had it. Before that I had an Evo Softail for 20 years that's rev limiter would stop it at 180kph. I was 27 when I brought the Harley thankfull and lucky I survived the succession of fast Jap bikes I had from 18 to 27. Would often see 220kph on the speedo but it was probably a bit optimistic. Had one Suzuki that would show 240kph on the dial. If I still rode like that these days I would have no licence. There are that many police about on the weekends on the good motorbike roads I find that 10 to 20 over the limit is about all you can get away with and that's if luck is on your side.
I'm pretty warps UOTE="ROCKETHEAD, post: 287397, member: 1324"]He's pushing a whole lot of ponies too, to get there. Got to love country back roads..
I reckon 60% of my rides I would go overl 160 kph at least once per ride just so that I could feel that little rush I used to get
Just FYI -
My R3R is stock with trip K&Ns. Using speedo and Garmin GPS, I never could crack over 130 mph in about a half dozen tries with the TORS.
After the CES and a Nels Byersdorf tune built on his dyno, I shifted out of 4th gear at 6K and 140+ mph then continued in 5th just enough to bury the speedo when I ran out of road.
On the dyno it did 170mph in 5th. Doubt it would do close to that on real pavement. I shall see this spring . . .
Interesting thread and I like Ponters have been thinking of adding a bike I can just cruise on so I can strip the Falcon of the bags and mounts and just use her for fun. I was hoping to hit the Ohio mile in 2015 depending on what dates the choose and how much I have to do just to pass the safety inspection portions of the LSR rules. Then you have a few controlled passes to do just to be able to run at 200 mph. The bike can be stable enough up there if set up right. I found it better to raise the rear up and transfer more weight to the front. I have not sun mine up as fast as she will go yet but with a 9k rev limit and the right conditions 230 should be a good number. If the wind conditions is right. I have to wtch the wind and found out the hard way. Laying on the tank and keeping my arms in line with the handle bars so they cut the wind not your arms. Also I use the drivers back rest to hold me in the saddle or my shinny arse would flop like a dirty rug. And with not much drag theoretically 239 with a 240/50 maybe a touch mot with a 240/ 40 as the diameter is a wee bit larger. The bike hums pretty good in fourth at 180 mph (GPS). and I have had mine to 7800 in fifth so far 5 times doing fueling test and recording but did not have the GPS on then. mathematically 207 mph was going to go for more but a copper came by and I thought I was busted. Luckily he was heading back for his change of sift and I did not know they used the road I tested on. You have to have the right road and the right conditions. September 19 2009 when my mom died I was in the right frame of mind and did not care!!!!!!!
I found out its not the right set of balls but frame of mind so be careful there is not much room for error up there!!!!!!
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YEP you can say anything you like its easy to talk BUT I havnt seen any proof from anyone who make those claims

That's what I was saying: it should be possible to go 200+. Seems to me we have the same opinion?
Sometimes my English is still forsaking me, for not being a native speaker - maybe I just didn't get your point in some way.
Anthony's bike will do 8600 rpm at the limiter.With his wheels/ tyres my dyno shut down at 320kph/200mph, plenty of revs left.. I have no doubt that, given traction, the engine would hit the limiter in top gear. THEORETICAL top speed at 8500 would be 345kph/215mph. If I get a chance I will look up how much torque it had at 8500rpm. It has bags of torque, near 200ft lbs peak figure. I am sure one of Bobs with 250+hp would do it as well. it is different power to 250hp with say 110-120ft lbs, like a 'Busa. It is all theory however until tested. Salt racing has no grip as described by Art. I have a customer currently with an Oz land speed record for his class at 186mph, with only 178hp and 112nm torque. His tyre stuck better with less torque. When John Noonan last came out to Lake Gairdner he went quicker after detuning his 'busa. Bitumen would be a different story , I have done 275kph on a R3 with only a mere 185hp. Only took a short straight, coming onto it at 100kph, in less than 1 1/2 km of road, banging on the limiter in 5th gear, easy. Mind you the wind is expedential (spelling?) , but still I believe the engine is capable. I would need a bigger set of "nads" to have a go at that. I can't ride for crap, thats why I have a sidecar to race, it is easier with a trainer wheel. . It is all good fun. I guess Art, I am "guessing" but it is a pretty well educated guess. BTW I am glad your keeping it Ponters. Good move. Cheers all.
That's what I was saying: it should be possible to go 200+. Seems to me we have the same opinion?
Sometimes my English is still forsaking me, for not being a native speaker - maybe I just didn't get your point in some way.
We are all guessing till someone gets out there with a modded Rocket and a GPS
We are all guessing till someone gets out there with a modded Rocket and a GPS
That is what I was getting at, I have seen some dyno numbers that is very impressive and only know of one individual that has been running it real world to match certain dyno numbers... he lives south of me...
At the time I had my blown R3 it was limited by the maps available at the time with a 7000rpm ceiling and it would spike some serious lean conditions coming up on 7k.
I had an inovate wideband logger and laptop strapped to the tank at the time, gps flew off on previous run, so whatever 6850rpm equates to.
only got that one run in before she blew up...