Ponters Headers

When i lived up in Darwin we freighted the Rocket to Melb or Brissy twice a year... a week without the bike but... an extra week riding on roads with corners and scenery other than flat scrub. You live in these far flung remote locations (Perth, Darwin etc) you miss out on too much . Thats one of the reasons im living back in Brissy.
Mental note to self....... fit tamper proof bolts to headers

U can have them if u help me steal Goths perfect storms
Hey Gothy I wouldn't worry to much about Richard !! ya betta be watching Mitch. personally I am sticking to 3 in 3 out concept and even if I need more flow all ready got that worked out
Further update...

Just got off the phone from Rick (The exhaust fella) who is going to send through a couple more pics. We're just waiting on everything to come back from ceramic coating so being held up a tad but we're getting there.

From his description of the sound side of things, apparently it is awesome. I can't wait. A deep purr at idle and non offensive and respectable to potter around on but give a fist full and will dwarf a NASCAR!!!!!!!! Love it love it love it love it! of course thats me throwing a bit of excited creative writing into the description but you get the gist.
Ponters did the pipes have baffles in them when you heard it or have they been removed. I live about an hour away from Nevs workshop (he has worked on my bike as well) and am thinking about buying a set of pipes like what you have fitted to yours (the person who made the pipes is not far from nevs workshop I believe). I may well remove the baffles as apparantley they are removable.

Gday mate, I think it does have some baffling in it but I honestly don't know. My brief to Rick was..."whatever Nev says and wants to get the result do" so i didn't really ask any questions. I will know very soon though.

Oh and for whoever asked, the headers are made of 1 3/4 (44mm) pipe, identical length to collector, 3into 1.

If you want to have a look as you are local you'll be able to see and hear if you go down to Ricks this week. Just give him a call to make sure the bits are back from Ceramic coating place.
No worries Ponters thanks for the info, I will see if I can get up to Ricks for a listen. I have already seen your bike when it was at Nevs a few weeks ago however he was still waiting for the exhaust to arrive so I have yet to see the exhaust "in the flesh" or hear what it sounds like.